eclipse « Bean « JSF Q&A

1. Content Assist for JSF2 + CDI (weld) beans + Eclipse Helios

Im trying JSF2 CDI (weld) beans in eclipse helios instead of ManagedBeans, but cant do the auto completion inside the expression language for my Named beans (the #{myNamedBean.<ctrl-space>} thingy) But OTOH with ...

2. retrieve jsf bean in axis2 web service as server request

I am using eclipse axis2 to create web service client from wsdl. My impl method is:

public Output[] startProcess(Message[] Messages){
   MyApplicationBean managementBean = (MyApplicationBean) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getApplicationMap().get("myapp");
However when I execute: http://localhost:8080/MyProject/services/portStartProcessService with ...

3. Eclipse: EJB and ManagedBean(for JSF)

I'm trying to create some Java EE application. The base is EJB as a controller. Next I want to present the data with JSF+ManagedBeans. The problem is there is javax.servlet.ServletException: standards/SampleController java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ...

4. Annotation declared managed beans and code completion in Eclipse Inidigo

How can I get auto completion for managed beans in Eclipse Indigo when the Managed Beans are declared via Annotations rather than with a faces-config.xml? If this function is missing the whole ...

5. JSF and backing bean in Eclipse IDE