constructor « Bean « JSF Q&A

1. java.lang.NullPointerException, when i am inside the constructor of a managed bean invoking methods from other beans

When I am inside the constructor of a managed and trying to reach out to other methods from other beans, I got java.lang.NullPointerException. Is there some kind of specification that not ...

2. Problem initializing backing bean property in constructor

I have managed bean/backing bean and I inject there (with @EJB) session bean. Now in constructor I want to use it to initialize property in backing bean with value from database. ...

3. ViewScope constructor called twice, not sure why

I've seen the other questions regarding calling a bean constructor and ViewScope, and I'm still having difficulty. The problem I'm seeing involves two specific pages in my application. The ...

4. managed bean constructor called twice

This is maybe no big problem but i am trying to optimize my app. It is jee6 application with jsf2.0 framework, primefaces2.1 and glassfish3.1. I have situation where on click on commandLink I ...

5. Backing Bean Constructors

In a managed bean situation you're reallly not supposed to have constructors that take arbitrary arguments. The container is supposed to manage bean creation which works best if the constructor is simple and standardized - it simplifies the configuration. Arguments that would be in a constructor are typically passed into the managed bean using the managed-property elements in faces-config.xml, which invoke ...

8. Bean constructor

Hi guys, I have a slight problem I have a bean, session scope with two methods I call From the UI (web front end) if I click one button i want a certain method to be called, otherwise a different method. The issue is that the constrcutor is called each time, which resets some values, does anybody know of a work ...

11. ViewScoped bean constructor being called twice

I am trying to implement a program that populates a dataTable on one page, and displays the details of the the selected row on another page for either viewing or editing. The backing bean for my detail page (call it DetailBackingBean) is ViewScoped. This bean is pretty straight forward, except for one variable which I will talk about the bean is ...