Pass « Bean « JSF Q&A

1. Passing a backing bean instance as parameter for another backing bean method

After the user fills my backing bean with info through the forms, I want to process the instance in Java code (such as JAXB marshalling). So at the moment i'm doing this ...

2. JSF 1.2 - Problem with passing page count to bean to create list

I have this select option:

<f:verbatim>Pages: </f:verbatim>
<h:selectOneMenu id="selectPage" value="#{pageList.selectedPage}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{pageList.selectPages}" />
And the backing bean (called mybean2) for this is:
private int pages;

public void getPages(int Pages) 
 this.pages = Pages;

// ...

3. facelets: passing bean name with ui:param to action attribute

Due to some custom components which expect a bean name (NOT the bean instance) in their attributes I need to pass the actual bean name between pages. As the bean itself ...

4. How to read a parameter passed to a facelet from a backing bean

I've written a facelet, and a corresponding backing bean, that implements user management (addition, deletion and so on).

I'd want to be able to perform some custom processing when, ...

5. How to pass get-parameter to backing bean in jsf?

I have a get-parameter with name controller. When I try to pass it (with propertyChangeListener) to my backing bean I get null instead of the real value of that parameter:

<h:commandButton ...

6. How can I pass a dynamic backing bean into a JSF 2.0 page using facelets?

I am using a JSF 2.0 to create a web app (purely jee6, without spring/seam etc.). I would like to have a single xhtml page but pass the proper backing bean ...

7. Form value not passed to Seam bean after a4j reRender

I'm making a webapp in Seam but ran into a problem I can't seem to fix. I have a JSF form where the customer can select a reservation type through a combobox. ...

8. how to get http get request params in jsf 2.0 bakcing bean?

I having trouble with passing http get parameters to jsf 2.0 backing bean. User will invoke URl with some params containing id of some entity, which is later used to persist some ...

9. JSF 2 cc: pass attribute into backing bean

I am creating a custom component that is an image viewer for a given product number. I access these files using a modified version of BalusC's ImageServlet:

@WebServlet(name="ImageLoader", urlPatterns={"/ImageLoader"})
public class ImageLoader extends ...

10. JSF2: Pass objects from one requestscoped bean into another Requestscoped bean?

In JSF2, how can i pass objects from one requestscoped bean to another requestscoped bean? I really don't want to make them sessionscoped. Maybe can i inject one bean in the other? Thank you. ...

11. Passing EL expressions or managed bean instance in jsp:include

I have a generic buttons jsp:

<wow:button id="addButton" iconClass="add16 icon16x16"
            action="#{managedbean.addNew}" type="submit" immediate="true"

12. Pass request parameters through FacesContext

I moved from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 and it seems I missed something during the switch. I have following scenario:

  1. There is a button on one page with actionListener set to ...

13. having a problem while passing GET parameters from JSF to backing beans and using them

I have 2 pages. In the first page (A), I'm passing a value to a backing bean and doing some calculations based on that value. In the second page (B), I'm ...

14. passing in a list of strings to a jsf bean

In my JSF file, I have a command button that looks like this: '< h:commandButton value="Start." action='#{myBean.startIt}'/> startIt() is a method with no arguments that has a hardcoded ArrayList of Strings. What I would ...

15. Passing init params to Manage bean

I have a authorization managed bean to fetch restriction rules to be applied to the tags within every jsf of the application. The managed bean requires to know the name of ...

16. JSF2 - use view scope managed bean to pass value between navigation

I am solving how to pass values from one page to another without making use of session scope managed bean. For most managed beans I would like to have only Request ...

17. Pass Parameter to ViewScoped Bean

I'm going to pass a parameter from one page (Facelet) to a Managed Bean whose scope is View Scope. I try to do it like this:

import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;

public class Mybean {

18. Passing request Parameters from Managed Bean to A jsf page

I am new to JSF 2.0. I am stuck at the following problem. I have a page from which a managed bean action method is called. In that i do some ...

19. Pass Data between ManagedBeans

I have one Class called Foo. And one ManagedBean called FooBean. In a page (Facelet) I get a new Foo info from user and insert it to DB. After first submission ...

20. Passing bean method to a composite

I would like to know if there exist some way to pass a list getted by some webbean to a component in JSF 2.0? The webbean getList shall return a list ...

21. JSF2.0 Passing Value objects between managed beans

I've already written a small JSF2.0 app utilising Weblogic 10.3.4, PrimeFaces and JQuery. I'm now looking at converting our Main Web App to JSF2.0. This is currently uses Weblogic ...

22. JSF 2.0 pass data between beans (or pages?)

I'm working with JSF 2.0 I have a form in my admin section where I am going to select some users in a list. The form (selectusers.xhtml) is adding these users to a ...

23. How to pass information between beans in JSF 2?

I have a scenario and dont have a clear idea for this to work yet. Here's the example scenario :

  1. I have a myView.xhtml file that can be displayed as a window popup ...

24. Passing an object across views and to a request-scoped backing bean

First, a quick description of my app's model. I have three entities: A Permission gives a User a role on an Item. An item can have many permissions ...

25. JSF 2 composite component, passing attributes to backing bean

I'm stuck on simple JSF2 question: XHTML:

<xvf:simpleOut identifier="12345"/>
Composite component is supposed to pass "12345" to backing bean and do some output:
    <composite:attribute name="identifier" required="true" type="java.lang.String"/>

    <!--@elvariable ...

26. Need to pass value of p:inputText to a bean when p:commandButton is pressed

I have a JSF-2.0 dialog which has three p:inputText fields who's contents I want to make accessible to a bean when the p:commandButton is pressed. I have tried using f:attribute ...

27. Pass Value From JSP To JSF Page Backing Bean

Is it possible to pass parameter from a JSP page to a JSF page's backing bean? JSP page is popup window open when I invoke a button in JSF page and ...

28. How to pass parameter from a RequestScoped to a ViewScoped bean

I have a simple form where you can input a String. When submitting the form, the user is redirected to another page that echos the user input. The first page is ...

29. How to pass an ArrayList to a bean

I'am using JSF2.0, I want to pass to a bean a property has the type ArrayList ,can I do that? if ues what will be the property-class! private ArrayList<String> selectedEnvironment;

 <managed-bean-class>package.Mybean</managed-bean-class> ...

30. How to pass some ID of h:inputText to a bean in action

I'm using JSF 2.0 with GF3.1 I have many h:inputTexts on my page and want to format their size on some conditions depending their ID. My bean method:

  public String doSize(Object obj) ...

31. How to pass the value Custom Component to the Managed Bean?

I have created a custom component. I add a dynamic input text box to it (from the encode function). The component is correctly is rendered as HTML. But I want to bind the ...

32. How pass a initialized bean in a session scope to another session scope?

I have a login page, which I check if the user exist in my database, if so, the bean user is initialized then I redirect to myprofile.xhtml page, but there ...

33. Can't use EL 2.2 to pass item parameter to bean if list of items changes between refreshes?

I'm using EL 2.2's functionality (with Tomcat 7) to pass parameters (in this case, entire items) from a JSF page to a backing bean. It's proving to be very handy, but I'm ...

34. Passing to bean from component

36. Passing data from JSF page in the backing bean

I'm new to JSF, and I' trying to move some code from Struts frame work to JSF. I don't know how to set a value to a property of a bean from the JSF page without exposing the value to the user. In the Struts I set the value for the "action" property as follows: ...

40. passing hidden field value to backing bean

I have a Datatable. what I am doin is when a row is clicked. I call javascript function and find the index of the clicked row,set index of the clicked row in hidden field h:inputHidden. Value is getting set in the hidden field. I have a commandlink on my page with a action.In the action I want this index value which ...

41. Passing data between beans

42. Problem passing parameters to a managed bean

Hi, I have a few parameters that i get on the URL which i want to pass to my managed bean. For some reason, the members are set to null in the bean. The variables are not null in the URL though. Here is the xhtml part: ...

43. passing parameter from non JSF URL to JSF backing bean

Tim, I tried your approach but I am not able to get the backing bean from the session object in the servlet. BackingBean myBean = (BackingBean)request.getSession().getAttribute("mybean"); myBean is always null. I also tried getting the Faces Context but it also comes back as null: FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); It seems when I am in the servlet I am not able to ...

46. Passing hidden Input to backing bean

I have a problem passing a hiddenInput to a backing bean and need your help.

47. JSF 1.2 passing parameter to Managed Bean method

Although JSF backing beans (Managed beans) are generic JavaBeans, the JSF contract only admits to 3 kinds of methods for them: 1. Property methods (setters/getters) 2. Action processors 3. Listeners Any methods not adhering to one of these 3 patterns may be employed by non-JSF services, but JSF won't know what to do with them. Generic method calls are not part ...

48. JSF v1.2: Pass total figure into bean for generation of pages

I have this bean: public class PageBean { private List selectPages; private String selectedPage; boolean rendered = false; private int pages = 0; private int rows = 0; // getter methods public boolean getRender() { rendered = pages > 0? true: false; return rendered; } public List getSelectPages() { int value = 0; selectPages = new ArrayList(); for (int i = ...

50. Passing parameter to next managed bean through request

You're dealing with JSF in the same concept of JSP, which loses the power of jsf. in such scenarios you can follow the next: you can have only one managed bean, session scoped if for more than one-page process. you managed bean can be like the next: public class ProductBean { Product product; @PostConstruct public void init() { product = new ...

51. Pass data from managed-bean to JSF

56. Passing bean instance as param to a facelet. Using seam

Hello, I have this problem. In a facelet composition I have declare some links that should certain action from a bean, which bean I want to specify from another facelet which uses the composition. Here is my code. The Composition paging.xhtml: ....

57. Passing values b/w beans through navigation

Hello All, I have a page that displays the list of products for a particular vendor. This is binded to VendorBean. Now when i click on the product id in the page the page gets navigated to product page showing the product details. Product page is handled by ProductBean. The navigation is configured in faces config and h:commandLink action performs the ...

58. JSF - passing from JSF to Backing Bean

60. Parameter passing between request scope beans

Using 1.2 because I was forced too What I am doing is using rich faces to upload a document. So I have upload.jsp,, uploadform.jsp, and The upload.jsp will use rich faces to upload a document and grab some of it's properties and store them in the Once it is done uploading it will go to the next page ...

61. how I can pass attribute from one bean to another in jsf

Hi, I am new to jsf framework.I dont know how I can pass information from one bean to another in the Java code.For Example i have two bean classes in my web application. LoginBean class code: public void setUname(String uname) { this.uname = uname; } public String getUname() { return uname; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } ...