Event « Bean « JSF Q&A

1. Is it possible to call JSF events from an Inner Bean?    stackoverflow.com

i want to know if it is possible to call JSF events, such as a valueChangeListener and actionListener from an Inner bean, that is, a bean that is an objetc inside ...

2. Do CDI Events observed across session scoped JSF backing beans    stackoverflow.com

I'm wondering if it is possible to observe a CDI event with multiple JSF 2.0 session scoped backing beans. I thought that I could push event/data to multiple sessions by observing ...

3. Using f:event to inject a ConversationScoped bean into a ViewScoped bean    stackoverflow.com

I can't inject a ConversationScoped bean into a ViewScoped bean, because the ConversationScoped bean could be shorter lived than the ViewScoped one, or vice versa, depending on whether or not the ...

4. JSF 2.0 validation in actionListener or action method    stackoverflow.com

I have Bean validation working nicely in my application. Now I want to check that a new user does not choose a username that has already been chosen. In the actionlistener I ...

5. Session scoped managed bean and actionListener    stackoverflow.com

I want to do multiple actions on different managed beans with the same button, one being scoped session and the other request. In my example I use the same bean for ...

6. no call to bean when using a4j:commandLink and attribute actionListener    stackoverflow.com

Hi I want to use actionListner in a commandLink.

<ui:define name="content">
     <a4j:form id="home">
     <h:commandLink value="bla" actionListener="#{SearchBean.search }">

7. Retrive current (or last inserted) Bean name from ActionListener    coderanch.com

Hi, i got a JSF+Facelets project mainly which consists from tables showing data, each table got a Bean that stores the displayed data, In the footer of the page I got a button that got an actionListener method in which i need to retrieve the bean behind the current table being viewed and than gather the data from the bean and ...