log4j « cfg « JPA Q&A

1. Eclipse Indigo didn't find log4j.xml and hibernate.cfg.xml    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Eclipse indigo (3.7) I added a hibernate config file and a logger config file, under "src" folder. The application run but when I try to open the server connection I get:

log4j: ...

2. Cannot locate hibernate.cfg.xml and log4j.properties    forum.hibernate.org

I am new to hibernate and am using eclipse. I have a project with the following structure src ---hibernate.cfg.xml ---log4j.properties ---com ------allegro ---------event ------------Event.java ------------EventManager.java ------------Event.hbm.xml lib data bin I point to EventManager.java and then use the Run as application from the eclipse menu. This generates the following error. How do I specify the location for hibernate.cfg.xml and log4j.properties to be ...