generate « cfg « JPA Q&A

3. Generate hibernate.cfg.xml

4. reuse xdocled generated cfg-files to configure springframew?

hi @ all my project which has already a stable access to a database which use hibernate as or/mappershould be changed to support the springframework all the config files for hibernate are generated automatically by xdoclet and stored in a seperated diretory. am i able to reuse these config-files to configure the spring framework for hibernate access or must i rewrite ...

5. Generate hibernate.cfg.xml from annotations?

A better solution would be to fix iReport to work with annotations. They bundle an ancient version of hibernate with even the latest iReport - and they set up a simple org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration instead of an org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration - if they just change two lines of code and then fix their ancient version of hibernate you should be able to get it to ...