select « Version « JPA Q&A

1. version select and snapshot select performance issue

Hibernate version: 3.1.3 I'm using hibernate in a rich client application, connected to a Oracle10g. During startup hibernate does a "version select" and a "snapshot select" for each of my mapped classes. Together with a laggy network this leads to a severe performace issue...about 50 mapped classes result in a 2 minutes startup-time. The debug log tells me that these selects ...

2. version update when performing a select

I've got lazy loading collections working fine in other areas on the same code, but I can't figure out why a select on a Licence class which has a lazy=true one-to-many collection would result in a version update on Licence? I don't actually want the collection, and the collection is not brought back as can be seen in the log ([] ...

3. Version and Snapshot Select - Stored Procs

Newbie Joined: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:45 pm Posts: 3 Hi. For version and snapshot select's, how do you make it work with SPs? At the moment, the version and snapshot select's show a direct SQL in the logs. I need to get this replaced by SP calls instead. I have tried using, in the mapping file for entity ...