class « Version « JPA Q&A

1. Managing multiple class versions

hello, I use hibernate with an in-process HSQLDB in my application to save projects (an instance of Project with about 7 other classes involved) to disk. Obviously the structure of these classes may change. So when loading a project from hibernate persistence, I need to check the version of each class (instance variable 'version' that is persisted), and load the class ...

2. Using Hibernate Versioning in a middle class of a hierarchy

I want to use Hibernate Versioning in my application but I have a problem in a class hierarchy like this : C extends B and B extends A. I want to use version in Class B and I dont need to use version in class A and I know when I use versioning in Class B automatically it will be effective ...

3. versioning a class and historizing

hi there... I am a newbe at hibernate and need a little help. I have a class (mapped on a table) that has an ID, a Version and a Name. The primary key is the ID, i tried to add the Version to the primarykey, but i couldn't make it. The thing is: each time i change my object, the version ...

4. Class versioning & equals()/hashCode()

5. How to seach for an older version of a particular class file

Hey, I was wondering whether you have multiple JDK's in your classpath and what Version of JDK/JRE you use? It seems like your executing JRE does not know what to do with the provided class version of hibernates Session.class file. Point out a little bit more information about your development environment to get your hibernate version running. Did you actually check ...

6. Using @Version in the base class

Hibernate version:3 I tried to add a version property to my base class using the javax.persistence.Version annotation: public abstract class BaseManagedObject implements Serializable { @Version @Column(name="revision" ) protected Long revision; /** * Get the Hibernate version for this managed object * @return the object's version */ public Long getRevision() { return revision; } But when I updated an object that extends ...