Merge « Version « JPA Q&A

1. hibernate : @Version and merge

Originally, I use merge for saveNew and update, it works. Then I add version controll number in, saveNew is fine, but update will generate a new instance, not an update. In my object, I have one-to-one and one-to-many, what I want is, when save new or update, always get latest copy (including parent and child object), merge together, and then do ...

2. JPA create new record version instead of Merging (update)

hello, as you can expect, I am a newbe to JPA, and really stuck as well. I have a requirement for a web app that needs to maintain all versions that have been created. like having an article's table where every iteration of content changes need to be kept for future reference. for instance my table might be like: create table ...

3. merge causes unecessary update with

Hello, using Hibernate 3.5.2-Final. The problem (i believe it's a bug) is that hibernate will cause an update to the version when using merge, even when the object has not changed. The issue occurs when replacing a Set reference with a new HashSet in the loaded object. Here is the mapping to test: Code:

4. JPA Merge operation and Version field

I have a entity in the database that contains a version field. This is a web application so the object becomes detached. When the update is made later I am using entityManager.merge(entity). I noticed in the SQL generated it always does a select and then an update. Furthermore, it is the select that may throw the optimistic lock exception. I know ...

5.  property is not updated on merge()

I have an integer property. When I do merge(), the property gets incremented in the database, but not in the object itself. As a consequence, if I attempt to do another update using the same object, I get concurrent access exception (which is not correct). I'm wondering if it's a feature of bug?

6. merge problem - version of returned instance not updated

Hi cristith, always use merge in this way public BaseEntity save(final E entity) { BaseEntity savedEntity = (BaseEntity) getSession().merge(entity); return savedEntity; } and it will change your ref .So you need to use returned ref.Merge use to merge your current intity to old entity.and old entity will remain in session and new entity will not attached .So using megre is programming ...