persist « Validation « JPA Q&A

1. Entity persist register validation listener

I'm using JBoss 6 with Seam, and I have an entity I am trying to persist, User. I have extended org.jboss.seam.framework.EntityHome to provide a UserHome class and have overridden the persist() ...

2. User friendly validation messages during persist or update

Can you suggest good practices for information related to validation messages in the user interface. Assuming you have a the following tables (User, Address, Email) and we use JPA to model ...

3. JPA - disable validation of persistence.xml

I'm taking my first steps with JPA (Hibernate). The overall idea is to connect to a legacy database to do complex queries. I think, hibernate is a great companion for this ...

4. hibernate updating persistent records

We are using hibernate through the java based scripting language groovy. We retrieve record, update record and save the record. during update we clear the associations, and reload these before save. We get an ...