Validation « Validation « JPA Q&A

1. @Range based hibernate validation checks

I would like to perform @Range based hibernate validation checks (org.hibernate.validator.RangeValidator) in my JPA entity code. But it seems to modify the generated SQL with this checks which I would like ...

2. Hibernate validator NotEmpty trim issue

It appears that the Hibernate NotEmpty annotation does not result in an error for strings filled with whitespace (" "). Only works for nulls or empty strings ...

3. Hibernate validator issues tracking

The Hibernate validator issues tracker appears to indicate that a particular issue I am facing is fixed - but I am still suffering from this issue and we're on ...

4. Locale based validation

My project have two main requirements 1) Different set of rules applied to same object at insertion and while updating it. 2) Different validation rules based on locale. In ADDRESS object STATE field requires ...

5. JPA validation API

Does JPA contains any validation API? E.g. email property validation like this in hibernate validation:

public String getUserEmail() {

6. Why can't my compiler convert this?


Type mismatch: cannot convert from Set<ConstraintViolation<capture#1-of ?>> to Set<ConstraintViolation<Class<?>>>
My code:
public class validateValue(Class<?> beanType, String propertyName, Object value, Class<?>... groups){
    TraversableResolver tr = new MyTraversableResolver(); 

7. Hibernate validation

I want to validate password and confirm password on JSF page using hibernate scriptAssert but i am not using richfaces. My code for scriptAssert is - @ScriptAssert(lang="javascript",script="_this.password.equals(_this.confirmpassword)",message="something bad happened" ) and JSF page ...

8. javax.validation.ConstraintValidationException: validation failed for classes

I am developing a web application using Spring 3.1, Hibernate 3 and Hibernate Validator 4 in the backend. I'm using JSR 303 for the validation. This is done via annotations in ...

9. How to Migrate from Hibernate Validator Legacy (3.x) to Hibernate Validator 4.x

Our application was built using Hibernate Validator 3.1.0 (now called Hibernate Validator Legacy). I'd like to migrate it to use Hibernate Validator 4.x (4.2.0). I can't seem to find ...

10. hibernate validator question

11. Customized Hibernate validator question

12. Hibernate Validator...

14. Question about Hibernate Validator

Hi, I am trying to validate data from classes which are in inheritance relation. For example i have these two classes: class Apple { ... private String color; .... //get , set } and than: class MyApple extends Apple { ... } I am trying to validate the "color" of the apple in MyApple class without to create a instance of ...

15. hibernate Validation

16. Validation problem with association

Hello, i work with these two tables : model (*modelId, acquisitionCost); mobile (*mobilId , *modelId); Here are my mapping files : Code: ...

17. Differences in validation

Hi, I'm using JBossAS 5.1 with Hibernate 3.3.1 and Validator 3.1.0.GA. Currently I am using the ClassValidator-Class but unfortunately this class doesn't exist in Hibernate 3.5 so I'm afraid of using it because I guess we will upgrade to JBoss6 (with Hibernate 3.5) when it's stable. This means I'll have to re-engineer the hole validation stuff at this point. May anybody ...

18. ORM 2.0 validation not supported (specific config use case)

Hi everyone ! Being a new Hibernate user, I am trying to figure out the different ways to use it. My first use case works well with Hibernate 3.5.2-Final as the JPA 2.0 provider. Here is an extract of my working configuration : [META-INF/persistence.xml] Code:

19. Validation not supported for XMLReader

20. SaveOrUpdateEventListener custom validation

Hibernate version: 3.3.2 Hello hibernate community, I am facing a recursion problem due to a validation method called from within a SaveOrUpdateEventListener. Within the validation method a DAO call is executed which seems to trigger other SaveOrUpdate-events though it is a read only call. The concrete case is a User class that is checking from it's validation code whether a user ...

22. Cmplx Validations using Incpt-Validate tx's entire obj graph

This tutorial states: "One solution is to simply perform these validations in the application's business tier prior to persisting the entities. However, this tends to lead to code duplication, or even worse forgetting to code the validation check in a certain execution branch." Because of this, in my DAO strategy, when an insert, update or delete is performed, I first do ...

23. Validation problem

Dear all I have a form on which two input fields are required (setup in validation.xml). This form has a hidden field which stores a value I pass in to the form via the querystring. If I enter valid data the form submits and everything is fine. If, however, I don't complete one of the required fields the validation kicks in ...

24. Validating my Design

I am using Hibernate 2.1 and Sybase 12.5 Our system is a simple OLTP with applet client and minimal J2EE on the server. Client requests will be initiating comamnds on the server. Each command will be initiated by a StatelessSessionBean and my JDBC Transactions starts here. Our business rules are Plain Java classes. if all business rules are passed, we will ...

25. EntityResolver to validate XML files

26. Problem in Validation XML

27. CMT, Hibernate, Validation

There are some questions concerning the validation of data. I use Hibernate + Session Bean which implementing DAO-pattern (the server of attachments JBoss) 1) How to work over the exceptions in case the attribute TransactionStrategy within jboss-service.xml file is set in CMTTransactionFactory. As far as I understand, in that case the container performs all the Transaction Managing functions. Can it really ...

28. Add ability to disable XML Validation

Nested exception: org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException: validation is not supported at com.bluecast.xml.Piccolo.setFeature( at at at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure(

29. Validation using PreUpdateEventListener

Hibernate version: 3.1.2 I'm trying to implement a validation framework using PreUpdateEventListener and PreInsertEventListener. I want to have a void validate() method on each of my entity POJOs. When my custom validator throws an exception I convert it to a hibernate ValidationFailure and throw it. I then get an "AssertionFailure: null id" when I next try to read the object. It ...

30. Custom validator: access something besides the new value?

Is there anything within the hibernate validation framework that allows me to access the class instance and not just the property value? I want to validate, using a hibernate validator, if a value is unique (there is a unique constraint in the database). Example: unique username for a User class. I can put a custom annotation on the username property, and ...

31. Hibernate Validation Example

Hi All, I'm new to hibernate,annotation and hibernate validator...Can any one help me by posting a sample application using validator... Is it necessary that we should use .hbm.xml files even when we have validators in our POJO's.....please help me by posting a full fledged sample application which uses a database and tables...... Regards Angela

32. Validation hangs on impl.SessionFactoryImpl

Hi guys. I trying to figure out what is the difference of behavior on 3 different computers where I try to run my hibernate application. On 2 of them the web application runs perfectly. On the last on, the application (and thus the whole catalina service) hangs and freeze. First of all, these are tech details on all servers: - java ...

33. Validation problem

Hi, we are using Hibernate's schema validation feature in our testcases (Database: Oracle 10i) and have a big problem: Hibernate checks sometimes tables of other user too. Setup: We have a user which has access to all schema's. The user was created with following statements: Code: drop user cruisecontrol_test cascade; create user cruisecontrol_test identified by cruisecontrol_test default tablespace users; commit; Grant ...

34. Registering a custom validator in hibernate

35. Hibernate Validation problem

I am using Java EE with Hibernate, JSF and Seam. I have a bean with properties of type Integer. They used to be Boolean but I had to change them to Integer because I am using DB2 and DB2 doesnt accepts booleans. Since only works with Boolean types in the backing bean, I have decided to use to serve ...

36. Business Validation and Hibernate teory...

Hi people, I want to throw this question that is not very clear for me, and I need some opinions on the subject. The topic is as follows: Im working with Hibernate 3 and i have in my domain model classes (User Event, Country, State, City)... With their respective relationships. The doubt comes because I am doing a CRUD of these ...

37. Creating a new validator

Hey guys, I created a custom validator for Hibernate but for this I had to change hibernate-annotations.jar i.e. I create this validator as part of the org.hibernate.validator package. Is this the only way to create a custom validator? Is there another way to do this without changing hibernate's jar files? Please, please let me know. Thanks!

38. difference between create and create-drop, validate and up

create: try to create the schema (DDL) when the session factory is started. When running with JPA, it happens when the EJB module is being deployed. create-drop: like 'create', but also try to destroy the schema when the factory is destroyed (with JPA - when the EJB module is undeployed) validate: just ensure the schema is as expected based on the ...

39. Need help for Custom Validator

Hi, I created a custom hibernate validator like this. It seemed that the validator was not called. There was no error message at all. I use JBoss Seam 2.0.2. All the codes are generated by the JBoss tools except this new validator. Can anybody give any idea? Thanks. Declare: Code: @ValidatorClass(PasswordPolicyRestrictedValidator.class) @Target({FIELD, METHOD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface PasswordPolicyRestricted { ...

40. XML configuration to Hibernate Validator?

41. validation during find time

Good morning, i want know if it's possible call hibernate validation during find. I know it's strange but i would build a tool for checking the integrity of my data, because we imported them from another db using SQL and we have modify the model in our new project version, so some entity change. Sometimes happens we have validation error and ...

42. Validation issue

Hi, I've the current problem. This is the entity I'm working on. [code] public class InventoryOrder extends BasicEntity { private Date date; private DepartmentGroup departmentGroup; [b] @InventoryOrderDepartment private Department department; [/b] private Boolean partialInventory; private Boolean detailedInventory; private Kind kind; private Group group; private Set

centers; private Date preliminarBalanceDeadLine; private Date finalBalanceDeadLine; private Integer daysBeforeStartWarning = 1; private String mailWarningStartLegend; private ...

43. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/validator/even

I am newbie and trying to integrate glassfish with hibernate. I am getting the following error msg when server starts java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/validator/event/ValidateEventListener Complete Stack Trace : Hibernate Annotations 3.3.1.GA 93 [main] INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment - Hibernate 3.3.0.CR1 93 [main] INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment - not found 109 [main] INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment - Bytecode provider name : cglib 109 [main] INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment - using JDK ...

44. Custom validator stuck in continuous loop

I wrote a validator to check for duplicate usernames. I thought validation was only called on a store or update operation. Code: public boolean isValid(Object value) { String username = (String)value; UserAccountManager manager = ...

46. Help with validating connection

Hi, I need to validate a database connection before I make any queries. I am taking over a Java EE web application that contractor who has since left makes use of Hibernate and he's written a Generic DAO class which extends HibernateDAOSupport. This class has the getHibernateTemplate() method which exposes methods to save, update, and execute queries. However, I don't see ...

47. Validate entitre model

49. Validate an entire object

I'm starting to do some simple validation. I see how to add annotations to individual properties, and how to add new annotations that would be useful across multiple objects. But I need to validate the entire state of an object. The first test is the uniqueness of an object on a database. This is not limited to a single field, rather ...

50. org.hibernate.validator.InvalidStateException: ??

Newbie Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:11 am Posts: 14 ok so i have the following entity, but when ever I try to create one and persist it I get the following error Hibernate: 3.2.4.GA Entity Code: // Generated 14-May-2009 10:51:17 PM by Hibernate Tools 3.2.4.GA import java.util.Date; import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride; import javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EnumType; import ...

51. Hibernate Validators and translations

52. Hibernate validators only for required fileds?

A mandatory, required input field (fields that the user must enter). With mandatory fields the validators work (because an empty @Digit field would be wrong, so it should be validated), but with optional fields @Digit validates the empty field and displays an error, that it is no valid digit (but it is valid, because it is empty). What I miss is ...