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1. How to execute differnet import.sql in Hibernate/JPA for each persistence unit?    stackoverflow.com

I have configured two persistence units in my JPA/Hibernate configuration. Now i need to execute different import.sql for each persistence unit. How can I specify which import.sql should be executed for ...

2. Single persistence unit for a modular application (JPA)    stackoverflow.com

I want to create a modular(plugin-like) application that uses JPA as its persistence abstraction, and this application should be extensible by third parties. The catch is that I want this application ...

3. Is it possible to share configuration from persistence.xml?    stackoverflow.com

I have one persistence unit configured in my persistence.xml but i have two databases. Those databases are identical, regarding the schema. What i am trying to do is:

Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("unit", primaryProperties);
Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("unit", secondaryProperties);
The properties ...

4. Two Persistence Unit in one Persistence.xml    stackoverflow.com

All, We created some libraries that all our projects will use, this libraries will provide the basic functionality of all our systems (login, some manage, etc). But the application itself could ...

5. How do I connect to multiple databases with one persistence unit?    stackoverflow.com

I am using JPA with Hibernate as my JPA provider. My application need to connect to database defined in persistence.xml (default persistence unit) grab multiple configured systems from table and create ...

6. Use of persistence unit in JPA    coderanch.com

7. JPA Persistence Unit Merging    coderanch.com

Hi all, I have a problem I'd really appreciate a solution to. In my application I have a bunch of "core" entities that basically define the standard part of my data model. I package these entities and the persistence.xml in a seperate persistence jar that is placed in the EAR's /lib. So far so good. Now I'm creating various EJB modules ...

8. UNRESOLVED Demands 'persistence.unit:unitName=    forum.hibernate.org

9. Using multiple persistence units/EntityManagerFactories    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, since the JBoss EJB3 forum didn't help, I am asking my question here - in particular because Hibernate's proprietary EntityManager API might help. Although I would assume that what I'm trying to achieve is a rather common problem, I am still struggling with how to solve it in EJB 3. I would like to be able to define separate database ...

10. SOLVED: Persistence unit not found    forum.hibernate.org

All i wanted was to generate ddl from JPA annotations. Little did i know it would be such a can of worms. First, I ran into the nasty Persistence unit not found. Had to find source code for Hibernate tools JPAConfigurationTask and Ejb3Configuration to see where they expected the persistence.xml to be. The answer is: on the classpath and inside META-INF. ...