1. Does Linq Remove The Need For Hibernate? stackoverflow.comJust wondering whether anyone will still use Hibernate once they move to C# 3 Are these mutually exclusive?? |
2. Can I remove em.clear() calls from my code safely? forum.hibernate.orgem.find() will now return the same entity instead of a copy. If your app relies on "==", then that's one way it could be different. Another way is if you make any changes to the entity after the flush(); before such changes would be lost; now they'll be flushed on commit() (if your flush mode is so configured). Also, operations like ... |
3. remove(), contains() etc. not working correctly forum.hibernate.orghi, problem: after hibernate cached a set of objects, i have problems with comparing: Session1: -- group = hibSess.load(XBO_CLASS, "12345"); groups.add(group); -- Session2: -- group = hibSess.load(XBO_CLASS, "12345"); if (groups.contains(group)) { logger.debug("works!"); } -- When starting my Application this works fine, when invoking this method the second time, it doesn't! the follwing works fine all the time: -- group = hibSess.load(XBO_CLASS, ... |
4. Remove hibernate logging forum.hibernate.orgHi, I've noticed my problem has been already discussed but I cannot understand how to resolve it. I'd like to avoid all the INFO hibernate logging. I tried to change the hibernate.properties. I've put there: ########### ### LOG ### ########### ### direct log messages to stdout ### log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.Target=System.out log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n ### direct messages to file hibernate.log ... |
5. ConcurrentModificationException when removing item from Set forum.hibernate.orgHi All, I'm getting a ConcurrentModificationException when I'm trying to remove an item from a Set in a persisted class. The scenario: I load a persisted object from the database, close the session and put the detached object into httpSession. The object is then modified later, a "passenger" is removed from the "passengers" Set of a Carpool object, and the error ... |
6. How can I remove accent? forum.hibernate.org |
7. Why does NonstrictReadWriteCache.release call remove? forum.hibernate.orgWe are using a custom clustered second-level cache similar to SwarmCache in the sense that removes performed on the local cache are distributed to all other caches in the cluster (clustered invalidation). My understanding of the documentation is that NonstrictReadWriteCache is the correct CacheConcurrencyStrategy to use with this type of cache. However, we observed that loading an object with LockMode.READ set ... |
8. Can't get PersistentSet.remove to work correctly forum.hibernate.orgI have been tracking down a bug in an application and have found the cause to be the remove method on a hibernate created PersistentSet is not working as I would expect it to. I am calling a method to remove a passed in object from a HashSet (which is turned into a PersistenSet by Hibernate). The remove method is not ... |
9. can't remove INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: from console logging forum.hibernate.orgFor us, it turns out that it's a Spring config file since Spring was added on the top of it. Now it works as expected: Since Spring config is built in .ear - not configurable, i set hibernate.show_sql = false in Spring config file always, then adjust log4j.xml to log hibernate sql only to log file. |
10. Misplaced, please remove forum.hibernate.org |
11. Mods can remove this forum.hibernate.org |
12. Removing many-to-one forum.hibernate.orgHello, I have three tables, A, AB, and B. The way they are relationed is the next: A has an one-to-many with AB. AB has many-to-one with A and other with B. B has an one-to-many with AB. When I remove an object of class A, it also delete all of class AB (what is correct), but the problem comes when ... |
13. Hibernate Remove Parenthesis forum.hibernate.org |
14. REMOVE THIS forum.hibernate.org |
15. Some Thoughts about remove() forum.hibernate.orghi, last couple of days i've read a lot of articel and tutorials mostly about generic dao's. i've reconized that mostly the remove method gets as parameter an persistent Object. Wouldn't it be better to use as parameter the primary key so when actually remove is called you can do something like this: Code: em.remove(em.find(pk)); the gain by this is that ... |
16. [please remove, double posted for some reason] forum.hibernate.org |
17. Removing at one-to-many associasion forum.hibernate.orgHello I am having the following declaration in Limited.hbm.xml Code: |