join « Update « JPA Q&A

1. How to use join in an HQL update?

I know how to join tables in an SQL update but how do I do it in HQL? Long story: I have items which I process in a run. Each run as ...

2. Many-To-Many JPA only updating join table on Persist and not on Merge???

@Test public void testConAppUser() { EntityManager em = helper.getEm(); em.getTransaction().begin(); // Get two AppUsers to add to the many-to-many collection of Contact AppUser appUser1 = appUserDao.findById(1); AppUser appUser2 = appUserDao.findById(6); // Create new Contact and add the 2 AppUsers Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setFirstName("John"); contact.addAppUser(appUser1); contact.addAppUser(appUser2); em.persist(contact); em.flush(); // Inserts 2 records into the join_table - perfect! // Get an ...

4. join updates table?

Doing the following join : lasSecciones = GuiSGP.session.find("select seccion from Seccion seccion "+ "join seccion.vigencia vigencia "+ "where F_IdSuplemento =" + idSuplemento + " and A_Habilitado =" + 1 + " and A_BajaLogica =" + 0 +" and vigencia.fechaDesde > '"+fecha+"'" ); Makes hibernate update vigencia ,why is that happening ?. Hibernate: select secciones0_.P_IdElementoEditorial as P_IdElem1___, secciones0_.F_IdSuplemento as F_IdSupl2___, vigencia1_.P_IdVigencia as ...

5. many-to-many with atributte: does not save on join table.

Hi, I have a many-to-many relationship between Purchase and Goods and the join table has a atributte named by quantity. When I save a Purchase object, the data on join table is not saved. My codes are: [code] public class RelationshipPurchaseGoods implements Serializable { /** * */ private Goods goods; /** * */ private int quantity; /** * Returns the value ...

6. many-to-many problem: no entries saved in join table

Newbie Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:22 am Posts: 6 I'm trying to write data to a three tables that form a many to many relationship: books, authors, and author_book (the join table). My problem is that hibernate is not writing to author_books. Thus loosing the association between the books and their authors. SchemaExport creates the tables correctly (shown below). I ...

7. Remove an outer join when I don't need it?

8. buk update with no join

Hello! i'm trying to make a bulk update: String hqlUpdate = "update GroupMobilePhoneAddressesElement " +" set groupCount = :newGroupCount " +" where = :theMpaId"; session.createQuery( hqlUpdate ) .setString( "newGroupCount", ""+newGroupCount ) .setString( "theMpaId", ""+theMpaId) .executeUpdate(); the erroneous sql generated is: Hibernate: update rel_group_mobile_phone_address set GROUP_COUNT=? where groupmobil0_.ID=? and the oracle error is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00904: not valid column name how I ...

9. Update whilst joining

Basically i want to update a status flag on all rows in one table based on a join on another table... for eg in SQL update TABLE_1 as A inner join TABLE_2 as B on A.table2_id = set A.status = 2 where B.status = 9 so my guess in HSQL was along the lines of.. update TABLE_1 tb1 left join ...

10. I cant' update with join table.

Dear Friends. I have 3 tables. One of this tables is a join among the two others. Follow the hbms: TABLE 1 Pesquisa ...

11. update join table

Dear all. I am quite a hibernate beginner, so please excuse if my question seems simple. I have the following mapping: Code: ...

12. Join table not being updated

Hibernate version:3.1.3 I've got the following hibernate mappings defined: Code: ...

13. Error when trying to execute update with subselect with join

UPDATE Test AS t SET t.situation = ? WHERE IN ( SELECT FROM test AS te ...

14. Hibernate: Different Join in Save() and Get()

I have 2 tables viz. TABLE1 and TABLE2: TABLE1 has it's PK as {ID} TABLE2 has composite-id as {A,B,C}... TABLE2 also has a column {D} TABLE1 and TABLE2 are associated with one-to-one mapping TABLE1.ID=TABLE2.A Cascade-save is on. Case1:Save() I want TABLE1.ID=TABLE2.A and TABLE2.B='1' and TABLE2.C='2' Case2:Get() I want TABLE1.ID=TABLE2.A and TABLE2.B='1'and TABLE2.D='4' How should i define this mapping? Presently i have ...

15. One-to-Many unidirectional not saving Join table

Hi, I have a one-to-many unidirectional association using a Join table. What I would think to be a pretty vanilla case. What I am seeing is that on save (saveOrUpdate) the entity tables are getting updated great, but the Join Table I have specified is not. I then go to read the parent entity and none of the associated entities are ...