context « Update « JPA Q&A

1. Problem with hibernate - persistent context

I have something like Person, and Address object(Person has an Address and other properties). I update Address or other properties in one request. And in another request I'm searching through all persons. ...

2. JPA monitor for persistence context

How convinion debug state of persistence context, watch result of queries, monitor all entities? Is some JPA monitor for this?

3. Hibernate Persistent Context

4. Use of hibernate persistence context

Hi, i'm new to hibernate. My conceptual schema is [ Doctor (1) <----> (*) Person ]. Suppose you have on database two rows of Person (ids : 1L, 2L) and one row of Doctor (id=1L); moreover doctor(1L) ---> person (1L) and doctor(1L) ---> person(2L) My question concern the following code snippet : Session ms = sf.opensession(); ms.beginTransaction(); Person p1 = (Person) ...

5. Persistence context propagation: documentation not clear?

Hi guys, I'm struggling to understand a key part of the Hibernate documentation. Specifically 1.2.4... ... ropagation ...says "In a transaction-scoped container managed entity manager (common case in a Java EE environment), the JTA transaction propagation is the same as the persistence context resource propagation". During my HTTP request/response cycle, my app seems to be giving a new EntityManager to ...

6. how to detach objects from persistent context

Hello, Once I get an object with session.get() how can I turn it into a detached object without closing the session? I have gone over the API and found out about session.evict() but I am not sure. Also, how can I associate the detached object later on with the session. In summary this is what I need to do: myobject = ...

7. Question regarding the persistence context

Hi communities Currently I am reading the book "Java Persistence with Hibernate" but I have a question regarding the persistence context and a detatched object. I am developing a single user RCP for a friend and first I load all my objects. After that the session is closed. These objects then are used to fill my views and editors. Hibernate is ...

8. How to lookup the (propagated?) persistence context

Hi, From the documentation I seems that I should be able get access to the session of container managed entity manager. ... cture.html So I would like to try this in my EJB3 app on JBoss 4.2. So now I have a Session bean with Code: @PersistenceContext(unitName = "tacs") @Inject EntityManager entityManager; [...] public ...