NetBeans « Update « JPA Q&A

1. update hibernate framework in netbeans

what is the best way to update hibernate in netbeans ide to final 3.5.2 version?

2. how to update database while using hibernate in netbeans 6.9.1 [Automatic updation of hibernate.xml file]

i want automatic updation of post insert table[database] in hibernate.config.xml. plz ans me.. thanks regards

3. JPA Hibernate Help!

I have just studied about JPA. And I had created a simple program which return the query "SELECT ...". Unfortunately, I always get an exception like

java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to application.Model

4. Persistence Unit using JPA 2

5. How do I update hibernate from 3.2.5 to the 3.6.6?

I see two options: 1) Wait the update from NetBeans (might not happen until next release or after) 2) Wrap your own libraries so you have control. Is there a bug or new feature in that version that you need? If not I suggest using the one available. From experience is a pain keeping wrapped libraries up to date on your ...

6. How to add a persistence library (OpenJPA)

Hi, I'm trying to add OpenJPA as a new persistence library to an existing project through the persistence.xml editor. Steps: - Select 'New Persistence Library...' from the 'Persistence Library' dropdown. - Add 'geronimo-jpa_3.0_spec-1.0.jar' to the class path. I keep getting the error 'PersistenceProvider is not present on library classpath' and I'm unable to continue. What am I doing wrong? I shouldn't ...