dynamic « Transaction « JPA Q&A

1. Can you dynamically fill in a db value on commit in nhibernate/fluent nhibernate?    stackoverflow.com

I am using jquery full calendar and one of the things it has is an id that should be unique per appointment or the same per a bunch of appointments. If you ...

2. JPA- dynamically create entity manager with JTA transaction type    stackoverflow.com

I have few databases with the same tables structure, each separate for different language. I use JPA with JTA transaction type. I'd like to create dynamically new connection to database (from ...

3. Grails - Getting IndexOutOfBoundsException while calling a dynamic finder within a transaction    stackoverflow.com

I'm getting IndexOutOfBoundsException exception while calling a dynamic finder when I call it from within a Transaction from controller.

Deal.withTransaction { status ->
 DealTranslation.findByLocaleAndDeal(locale, deal)
I get this error at line ...

4. OpenJPA: how to make entity use dynamic update, mutable, optimistick lock, etc    stackoverflow.com

I'm migrating from Hibernate to OpenJPA. And there are many entities with annotations like this: @org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(mutable = true, dynamicUpdate = true, optimisticLock = OptimisticLockType.VERSION). Is there any way to use these properties in ...

5. optimistic-lock dependency on dynamic-update?    forum.hibernate.org

6. Dynamic mapping and transaction not working    forum.hibernate.org