constraint « Transaction « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate constraint violation/error rolling back

I have encountered a strange error with hibernate, most likely due to improper use of it, but I was wondering if there is any way to find the root cause of ...

2. catching ConstraintViolationException and handling unque constraints

I'm really upset with Hibernate! I have a database table (mysql) that holds parent-child relationships that allow me to build a tree of categories. I have multiple threads which can try ...

3. JTA transactions committing too early, fails when using constraints

We have a Java EE application running in Glassfish 3.1, where we have our JPA models (using EclipseLink) organized like this:

 -> String firstName
 -> String lastName
 -> Address adress
 -> ...

4. How to guarantee constraint between SQL rows?

We are developing online schedule application. One schedule can be edited simultaneously by several users. There is one very important business constraint. There must be only three events in one day. ...


I have two table : B and A the B have a relation with A on COLUM ID_BL when i save A and B object i have a violation of integrity due to the constraint : parent A must exist. but the parent A is already save.(but not commit) I want to make the ...