Tomcat « Transaction « JPA Q&A

1. How to use JTA support in Tomcat 6 for Hibernate?

They recommend using JTA transaction support in JEE environment. But how to configure JTA in Tomcat6 so that Hibernate Session could use it ? Starting with version 3.0.1, Hibernate added the SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() ...

2. How to wrap an object change in my own transaction and incorporate it with Hibernate to JTA?

I have a web-app, which I deploy on Tomcat 6 and it uses Hibernate. It receives messages on a JMS queue which trigger changes both to my DB, via Hibernate and to ...

3. mysql transaction pessimistic lock corrupted

I am using hibernate, and innodb and mysql. I have a pessimistic lock (on a specific table row) obtained at the beginning of a very long hibernate transaction. On ...

4. Seam JPA Example For Tomcat - JTA

I was looking the persistence.xml of the jpa example for tomcat in Seam examples and found it: org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence java:comp/env/jdbc/TestDBIt's in fact a doubt that i have about JTA/Resource Local transactions. Resource Local says that the application should manage the transactions of the entityManager, that's make sense ...

5. Transactions Tomcat Hibernate MySQL on Linux vs Windows

public synchronized void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) { ... log.debug("Starting a database transaction"); sf.getCurrentSession().beginTransaction(); // IF 2 requests hit this before commit() is called later on, then they will both see the updated table as it was befor any of the requests started. This is only ...

6. Transaction doesn't commit to MySQL DB with Tomcat

Newbie Joined: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:00 pm Posts: 5 Hi, I've been having a really strange problem, for some reason when I run my web application in Tomcat and this method is executed it claims to have worked says row = 1 and consequently prints out the message "Updated Row: 1". However, when I look at my mySQL database the ...

7. Cannot rollback transaction in tomcat 5.0.28

i have no idea at all why I can't rollback my transaction..... Hibernate version: 2.1.7 Hibernate config: 2 10 100 100 true com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testDB?autoReconnect=true&relaxAutoCommit=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8 *** *** true net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory ...