Manual « Transaction « JPA Q&A

1. How to manually commit a managed transaction

I was given an "API" in the form of a JAR to do some external accounting operations from my Java-Seam-Hibernate appplication. Internally, the API is an plain Hibernate application, using two independent ...

2. How can I commit a Play! JPA transaction manually?

Usually, Play! commits the transaction after a request completes successfully. What is the correct way to commit a transaction manually in Play?

void addPerson() {
  Person p = new Person("John", ...

3. Should I manually commit this Play! transaction?

After finding out how to manually commit a Play! JPA transaction ... I'm not sure I really need to. I have two controller actions: one that adds a website, and immediately ...

4. transaction.commit() when session's flush mode is manual?

Quote: So what exactly happens when session.getTransaction().commit() is called when session's flush mode is set MANUAL? session.getTransaction().commit() propagates a commit on the database. The database must commit its transaction although there were no DML SQL statements at all, which means committing an empty transaction. This kind of conversation in my eyes is a trick to span a conversation over more transactions, ...

5. Can't start a cloned connection while in manual transaction

Im trying to do the following: Producto unProducto = new Producto(); Suplemento unSuplemento = new Suplemento(); Seccion unaSeccion = new Seccion(); unProducto = BossProductos.buscarProducto(1); unSuplemento = (Suplemento)(unProducto.getSuplementos().get(0)); //unSuplemento.getSecciones().remove(0); Seccion sec = new Seccion(); sec.setNombre("Insertada " + unSuplemento.getSecciones().size()); sec.setOrden(15); sec.setSuplemento(unSuplemento); sec.setBajaLogica(false); sec.setHabilitado(true); unSuplemento.getSecciones().add(sec); try{ Transaction tx = GuiSGP.session.beginTransaction(); //; GuiSGP.session.update(unProducto); tx.commit(); } catch (Exception E){ } Doing this throws me the following ...

6. cloned connection while in manual transaction mode

Hi, I've been trying to test Hibernate 2.0 with SQL Server. Unfortunatly, the first attempt failed :(. Expect anyone's help. In short words, I wanna test how to use the inheritance. Two classes were defined: Cat with properties catID, catName and color and DomesticCat extending Cat coming with a new property 'owner'. My test case was to insert a new instance ...

7. cloned connection while in manual transaction mode

Hi, I've been trying to test Hibernate 2.0 with SQL Server. Unfortunatly, the first attempt failed :(. Expect anyone's help. In short words, I wanna test how to use the inheritance. Two classes were defined: Cat with properties catID, catName and color and DomesticCat extending Cat coming with a new property 'owner'. My test case was to insert a new instance ...

8. Retry save collection after manual rollback

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: Code:

9. manual optimistic locking with hibernate updating version

Hibernate version: 2.1.7 hi, i'm trying to implement an optimistic locking with the following characteristics: 1. i'm using version columns 2. only the application should check for version conflicts 3. hibernate should update the version columns when updates occur, but not check for conflicts. i know how to tell hibernate that i'm using a version column. i know how to make ...

10. optimistic locking doesn't work if you set version manually

I am working on a client/server app with a rich client. I have to deal with concurrent data access and am trying to do so with optimistic locking using versioning. Because I am using a thick client i use a DTOs to pass data back and forth between the server and client. I record the version id in the DTO. To ...