CMT « Transaction « JPA Q&A

1. jpa concurrency CMT exception handling

I use EntityManager to save/update my entities in database and Hibernate as jpa provider. My transactions are handled by container. The problem: I need to add an entity that might have been ...

2. Hibernate Transactions -- JTA and CMT

3. CMT, Hibernate 3, JBoss and Transactions

In "Hibernate in Action", in the transaction section it states that session.beginTransaction() will join the JTA transaction, and tx.commit() is called to communicate witht he databse. Is this a must, if you have your method demarcated using EJB 3.0 transaction. declaring it as "RequiresNew" as the annotation on the method? Another person here at work stated that in another company he ...

4. CMT does not rollback Tx in hibernate

Please let me know whats wrong with my settings. CMT doesnot rollback hibernate Tx. Details -------- I'm using hibernate 3.0 , weblogic 9.2, EJB 2.x, Oracle9i. I'm trying to implement a transaction rollback mechanism in a project. But the transaction does not rollback. Here are my configurations: hibernate.cfg.xml --------------------- org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory org.hibernate.transaction.WeblogicTransactionManagerLookup org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect false 30 true ...

5. With respect to using CMT Transactions in SessionBeans and Hibernate

Hi . I have some operations to be performed on the Database . I am using Session Beans and Hibernate for this. While performing an insertion operation should i set the transaction support from a session Bean using CMT Or Will it be a good practice to use Transaction in DAO implementation code with the help of Hibernate provided Transaction suppourt. ...

6. Hibernate Transaction - CMT

9. CMT Error EntityManager must be access within a transaction

Author Message dobreden2 Post subject: CMT Error EntityManager must be access within a transaction Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:50 am Newbie Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:17 am Posts: 4 Hi, I am trying to use CMT with EJB3 on JBoss 5.1.0GA. I have an EJB that calls an EJB DAO method to persist an entity. As soon ...

10. Issue with Hibernate transaction in CMT

11. How to handle Hibernate transactions inside CMT?

classpath:/hibernate.cfg.xml ...

12. Multiple Session per Request Transaction w/ EJB 2.1 CMT

Hello experts: Our j2ee application environment includes: EJB 2.1 CMT on RAD 7.5 (websphere 7.0) and hibernate 3.6. In hibernate.cfg.xml, hibernate.transaction.factory_class = org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory, transaction.manager_lookup_class = org.hibernate.transaction.WebSphereTransactionManagerLookup We have an EJB 2.1 session bean with method named: processData(), which calls DAO's processData() method that uses hibernate. Codes in private void processData() { List list = getData(); UpdateRows(List list); } private void ...

13. JTA / JBOSS CMT question

Platform: Hibernate 2.1 / JBOSS 3.2.2 1) Why must an EJB with CMT be marked as "Required" in order to do a session.load? Supports has always worked for JDBC datasources - for "read" use cases. 2) When I do this in a CMT session bean with required... Session session = null; Session session2 = null; try { ctx = new InitialContext(); ...

14. transaction not rollback with CMT, SLSB and WebLogic6.1

I am using Hivernate 2.0 and weblogic 6.1 sp1. The file: hibernate.dialect=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect hibernate.connection.datasource=meta_db2 hibernate.show_sql=true hibernate.transaction.factory_class=net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class=net.sf.hibernate.transaction.WeblogicTransactionManagerLookup meta_db2 is an jndi datasource name registered in weblogic. The mapping file for Task Entity: ...

15. SchemaExport and CMT transaction

java:/mysql net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect true false ...

16. CMT/JTA and Hibernate Exceptions

We are using hibernate (currently 2.1.7 with CMT and WebSphere AS 5.1.x We are not happy with the following statement within the 2. and 3.0 documentation: 11.2.3. Exception handling: "No exception thrown by Hibernate can be treaded as recoverable." Problem: 1.) more then one hibernate inserts and updates will be done during business functions within CMT-EJB calls. 2.) one insert or ...

17. External Transaction Management in JTA/CMT env

Hibernate version: 3.0 Database version: MSSQL2K Background: We have a DAO layer that does not expose a transaction API to the client. It must support both a hand-rolled DAO impl (no transaction abstraction on top) as well as Hibernate. Yes we could add the abstraction and expose the transactions but we do not wan the clients exposed to transaction management currently. ...

18. CMT leaving data behind on rollback.

Beginner Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:56 am Posts: 35 I'm trying to force hibernate to rollback a transaction, as a test. I've included the code for doing so below. My problem is, even if I call ctx.setRollBackOnly() a record for the object still exists in the database after the method executes. I'm testing this method via a remote call to ...

19. Hibernate with CMT does no commit

Hi, I use the JBoss 4.0.1 EJB container with stateless session beans which call hibernate (3.0.x) to store the data. I have a CMT trasaction that I use for hibernate CRUD operations. All operations work fine, but when the transaction ends at the session facade, the hibernate session is not committed. AFAIK with CMT I dont have to commit the transaction ...

20. Hibernate with CMT does no commit

Hi, I use the JBoss 4.0.1 EJB container with stateless session beans which call hibernate (3.0.x) to store the data. I have a CMT trasaction that I use for hibernate CRUD operations. All operations work fine, but when the transaction ends at the session facade, the hibernate session is not committed. AFAIK with CMT I dont have to commit the transaction ...

21. Transaction handling in Hibernate 2.1 and CMT

Thank you for your reply. The thing with the TransactionManagerLookup is that I'm running Sybase EAServer and I can't find an appropritate class to use so I have not been able to test this. But I guess this is the catch...? What does this mean (quoted from your link): "net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory delegates to database (JDBC) transactions (default) " ? Can I use ...

22. JONAS 4 6 6 - CMT Transactions & Hib. 3.1.2

myds org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect org.hibernate.transaction.JOTMTransactionManagerLookup org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory myProjectFactoryName ...

23. CMT Transaction exception

View unanswered posts | View active topics Board index Hibernate & Java Persistence Hibernate Users All times are UTC - 5 hours [ DST ] CMT Transaction exception Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message Alex KN Post subject: CMT Transaction exception ...

25. [CMT] Several transactions in same session ?

26. Keep session open in CMT transaction

Hibernate version: 3.1.3 We are using Websphere Application Developer (and Websphere Process Server) and EJB 2.1 (stateless session) and we have a problem with the Hibernate session. We have separate layer for data access (there are some Hibernate persistent objects -DataBase Objects- and some stateless session beans for get data from database (uses HQL and session.load()). For this layer (and for ...

27. Hibernate early db transaction "commit" CMT/OC4j

hiernate version - Hibernate 3.0 We use hibernate with Oracle J2ee container Oc4j 1012. We have some troubles during transactions, that the hibernate session is synchronized with DB in a way the updated data are "commited" to the db before transaction is finished. This situation happens during transaction and when some error later occures, rollbacked are only some of the data. ...

28. CMT Transactions in OracleJDeveloper

29. JTA and CMT Transactions

I am using hibernate 3.2 in weblogic 9.2 environment. I want to use session bean demarcation for transactions. I know I can do this by specifying CMT TransactionFactory. I also want to call the select operations from controller without going through ejb session bean. Something like. UserDao.findById(xx); or User.getAddress(); When I run this code hiberante is throwing an exception saying there ...

30. Problems configuring Hibernate to use JTA or CMT transaction

Newbie Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:02 pm Posts: 7 Hibernate version: 3.2 JBoss version: 4.0.5 MySQL: 5.0.x MySQL JDBC Driver: 3.1.14 Hello everybody, I'm currently writing my master thesis and i have to configure Hibernate using different transaction manager. Now the problem is when configuring Hibernate using different transaction services i receive the following error: The error is the same ...

31. CMT does not rollback transaction with hibernate

Hi all , Need urgent help in fixing an issue. I'm using hibernate 3.0 , weblogic 9.2, EJB 2.x, Oracle9i. I'm trying to implement a transaction rollback mechanism in a project. But the transaction does not rollback. Here are my configurations: hibernate.cfg.xml --------------------- org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory org.hibernate.transaction.WeblogicTransactionManagerLookup org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect false 30 true

32. Right combination of annotations for CMT JTA transaction

Hibernate version: annotations 3.3.0.GA, entity manager 3.3.1.GA, core 3.2.5.GA Hi everyone, I'm developing a web application deployed in GlassFish v2 using the Hibernate components/versions listed above. My persistence.xml file looks like the following: Code: org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence jdbc/JomarDatabase ...