service « Tomcat « JPA Q&A

1. Shared Services on Tomcat 6?

I have been trying to figure out a way to create shared Hibernate session service on Tomcat 6. basically, I need to have this service: 1. to be re-deployable (which exclude the ...

2. Java app as windows service with database connection

i'm trying to run java application as a windows service with tomcat 7. in this application i have database connection to MySql with Hibernate. when i ran the tomcat it stops ...

3. using hibernate with webservices accessing through Tomcat

I have successfully ran Hibernate and access the database through servlet, running Tomcat. What I wanted to do was debug a java acpplication through Eclipse thinking that Tomcat would load the jdbc on startup and through JNJDI, Hibernate would be able to access jdbc and database. But it is now clear that is not possible as far as I know. But ...

4. congiguring hibernate inside a axis 2 webservice in tomcat

Hi I was wondering about the best way of using hibernate with jpa inside a axis2 webservice deployed in tomcat. Now I've got a c3p0 pooled connection configured in my persistence.xml, like this but was wondering if I should use a datasource from tomcat jndi instead. ...