mock « Test « JPA Q&A

1. How can I access private class members in Java?

I have data model classes that contain private fields which are meant to be read-only (via a getter function). These fields are set by my JPA persistence provider (eclipselink) during normal ...

2. How to test a null value for easy Mock Hibernate criterion?

I want to test this value with Easy Mock but am unable to generate anything for this. I keep getting this error java.lang.AssertionError:
Unexpected method call add(version is null): This is ...

3. populating mock objects for testing

What I do to test hibernate mappings is create a test database, with a certain set of test data, then write tests that start a transaction at the beginning of the test then rollback at the end. In the test, I can to get, find, save, delete, etc., assert the objects returned from the hibernate DAO methods are correct, and then ...

4. "Classic" Sessions causing mock testing problems

context.checking(new Expectations() {{ one (mockFactory).getCurrentSession(); // expect getCurrentSession() to be called on mock SessionFactory will(returnValue(mockSession)); // force mock SessionFactory to return mock Session one (mockSession).load("Foo", "fooId"); // expect load(...) to be called on mock Session ...