application « Test « JPA Q&A

1. Unit testing a Hibernate driven application?

This may be a naive question, but I am new to both the junit and hibernate frameworks and I was wondering what the best way to go about unit testing an ...

3. Problem with Hibernate test application

I have a simple test application using Hibernate and MySQL. I got this error when I was trying to run project: xception in thread "main" org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Could not parse mapping document from resource Product.hbm.xml log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.Environment). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException: Could not parse mapping document from ...

4. Errors testing Hibernate application using junit

Newbie Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:36 am Posts: 2 Hello, I've been fighting with this for far too long now and could use some assistance. I'm trying to test an application using hibernate with junit. All of my test keep getting this error: [junit] Testcase: testAddCodeGroup took 0.018 sec [junit] Caused an ERROR [junit] null [junit] java.lang.NullPointerException [junit] at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure( ...

5. Trouble running "eg" test application on iSeries D

Beginner Joined: Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:29 pm Posts: 22 Location: Massachusetts USA Here is console output when running "eg" test application against IBM iSeries DB2 database C:\apps\hibernate-2.1>ant eg Buildfile: build.xml [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource clovertasks. It could not be found. eg: [echo] remember to place your JDBC driver in the lib directory [java] 15:02:18,747 INFO Environment:432 - ...

6. Testing Hibernate-based application

Here's what I imagine would be the ideal way to test my application: 1. Create two flat-file databases with all the tables and rows the testcases need, one with the initial values and one with what the database should look like after the tests are run (one-time event) 2. In the test harness, load the flat-file database 3. Call the test ...