record « Table « JPA Q&A

1. Reading All the records from a table + Hibernate

Hi i wanted to read all the records from a table and store it in a List. I wrote the bellow code for the same public List listCustomer() { List customers = new ArrayList(); try { System.out.println("Before LIST_CUSTOMER"); Session session = HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); Query queryResult = session.createQuery("from Customer"); customers = queryResult.list(); HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); System.out.println("After LIST_CUSTOMER"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ...

2. Can Hibernate be used to add records to a table?

Hello, I'm developing a web app to create and track work orders. I've got the basic framework constructed using Hibernate and JSF in Netbeans. I've successfully created a few JSF pages which display records from a small MySQL database table. I am at the stage now where I would like to add a record to my table. Would anyone happen to ...

3. How to get records from different tables using where conditi

I am using mysql database I want to display Employee Name from Employee table and Qualification from Details table. So in my query i created objects for both the table and tried to access it. Both table has EMPLOYEE_ID. void showOutput() { String SQL_QUERY ="select emp.EMPLOYEE_NAME,det.QUALIFICATION from Employee emp,Details det where emp.EMOLYEE_ID=det.EMPLOYEE_ID"; Query query = session.createQuery(SQL_QUERY); Iterator itr=query.iterate(); while(itr.hasNext()){ Object row[] ...

4. Deleteing all records from table

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 2.1.7 Mapping:

10. Retrieving all records of a table.

11. Calculating a record-level and table-level hash

I'm currently working on an application with very very high data integrity requirements and we need to make sure that no one can ever update, create or delete rows directly in the database or via some other application. Hence our idea would be to calculate, after each create, delete or update, - a hash code of the modified row, stored in ...

12. Historical records in same table as active records

SELECT * FROM entity_table o WHERE = 1 AND o.validFrom = ( SELECT MAX(i.validFrom) FROM entity_table i WHERE = AND i.validFrom <= NOW() AND ( i.validTo >= NOW() ...