design « Table « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate : many to many linker table, best OO design

If I have 3 tables, with the expected normal columns : Customer, CustomerProductLinker and Product. And I want in my Java code to do this :

Customer customer =  myService.getCustomer(id); ...

2. multilingual/multi-language table design question

I have the following table design: table manufacturer ( id BIGINT, sales DECIMAL(14,9), deleted TINYINT ) key: id table manufacturer_locale ( id BIGINT, manufacturer_id BIGINT, language VARCHAR(5), identifier VARCHAR(100), description TEXT ) keys: manufacturer_id, language Should I create two separate objects for the main objects and its localized extension or is there some easy way to have one object containing both ...

3. General question about Database/Table design

Apologies if this trivial: Most of my experience is in Java with very little DB knowledge. I'm brand new to Hibernate and pretty new to J2EE. I've looked for an answer everywhere without much success. Background: I'm working on a project using JBoss/Hibernate- It's main function is to collect and store data from environmental sensors. Samples are taken every minute and ...

4. Hibernate table design

Hi, I am new to hibernate and I am migrating a custom mysql-application to hibernate. I have a Table called SHA1Table (which is used for storing vast amounts of SHA1 hashes). The custom SQL statement for creating this table is: CREATE TABLE SHA1Table ( SHA1ID integer AUTO_INCREMENT, SHA1VAL VARCHAR (40) not null, PRIMARY KEY (SHA1ID), UNIQUE INDEX (SHA1VAL(40))) Using Hibernate I ...