Reverse engineer « Table « JPA Q&A

1. reverse engineering many to many tables in hibernate for JAXWS

Im running web services behind JBoss. The stack has hibernate and we use it to derive object model from the relational model. When I have many to many relationships I try ...

3. HibernateTool reverse engineering misses relational tables.

Newbie Joined: Fri May 28, 2010 4:02 pm Posts: 3 I'm running the latest hibernatetools with ant to automatically create presistent classes from an existing postgres 8.4 database schema. I'm trying to get 'tools' to do the whole job itself using just and the exporters, i.e. I don't want to list all the tables by name in any files. (In ...

4. reverse engineering many to many tables in hibernate for JAX

Hello all Im running web services behind JBoss. The stack has hibernate and we use it to derive object model from the relational model. When I have many to many relationships I try and use a bridging table on relational design usually, and when I reverse engineer the object model after that I have cyclic references in the object model hence ...

5. Reverse Engineering: can't read meta data; table name prob?

Hi, I'm trying to reverse engineer a sybase table. In my reveng.xml, I include only the table name, "hts_sec_master". When I run the ant task, I get this output: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hibernatetool] 11:16:32,539 DEBUG JDBCBinder:600 - Adding table org.hibernate.mapping.Table(derivatives.dbo.hts_sec_master) of type TABLE [hibernatetool] 11:16:32,571 DEBUG JDBCBinder:731 - Finding columns for derivatives.dbo.hts_sec_master [hibernatetool] 11:16:32,665 DEBUG DriverManagerConnectionProvider:129 - returning connection to pool, pool size: ...

6. Escape table names using reverse engineering