validation « Struts « JPA Q&A

1. Struts2 JPA Validation error how to forward to action and not lose ActionErrors messages?

I'm using Hibernate validator 4.1 to validate my entity. I have a dashboard that I can access from the action : viewDashboard. In my action, I load 2 List in ...

2. How can i validate unique field with struts framwork and hibernate?

I am new in struts2 and hibernate. I want to validate mobile no with data base for uniqueness. How can i validate unique field with struts framwork and hibernate?

3. Using validation with Hibernate...

I am having trouble getting Struts 2.x to implement validation and hibernate using the HibernateSessionRequestFilter (the pattern suggested on When the validation fails, Hibernate will still update the object in the database when the HibernateFilter closes the transaction. I get why this is happening, but I can't seem to find anyone who has really figured out an *elegant* ...