JSON « Struts « JPA Q&A

1. JSON Error - Hibernate Entities    struts.1045723.n5.nabble.com

Could you post your struts.xml and the action which you're trying to serialize? I'm pretty sure that your action class contains a reference to a connection object and the json plugin is trying to serialize it. If I'm right you could simply change your root parameter via action configuration inside the struts.xml file. Maurizio Cucchiara Il giorno 14/feb/2011 07.19, "CRANFORD, CHRIS" ...

2. Struts 2/JSON/Hibernate/c3p0/Oracle issue    struts.1045723.n5.nabble.com

Hello, I just recently switched to c3p0 and it fixed some other issues I was having with dbcp, but another has arisen. It seems to be a combination of using the c3p0 data source along with the JSON plugin. Here's my (slightly shortened) stacktrace: Caused by: org.apache.struts2.json.JSONException: org.apache.struts2.json.JSONException: org.apache.struts2.json.JSONException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at org.apache.struts2.json.JSONWriter.bean(JSONWriter.java:243) at ...

3. Struts2 + JPA + JSON - Help with error    struts.1045723.n5.nabble.com

disable lazy-initialisation in /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml Martin Gainty ______________________________________________ Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de dni et de confidentialit Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene Empfaenger sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte Weiterleitung oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht dient lediglich dem Austausch von Informationen und entfaltet keine rechtliche ...

4. Struts2 json plugin problem with jpa entity    struts.1045723.n5.nabble.com

Try this one: @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Beneficiario that = (Beneficiario) o; ...