result « Stored Procedure « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Stored Procedure Results

I am forced to manage an auto-increment field from code. I've decided to write a stored procedure to do this for me. The idea is to have a procedure ...

2. Hibernate stored procedure result problem

I'm trying to call a stored procedure using Hibernate, but I'm getting the following exception all the time:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The column name plan_id was not found in this ResultSet.
The stored procedure is ...

3. Cannot get Hibernate to check results of stored procedures

I've read the documentation, and even have some working code with Hibernate, MySQL, and calling stored procedures for sql-insert, sql-delete, and somewhat for sql-update. But it wasn't easy because much of the documentation seems inaccurate, and incomplete - at least when using MySQL. I have written several stored procedures that I have tested and are working for inserting, updating and deleting ...

4. Support for Stored Procedures with no result sets

90% of the stored procedures I have to use are simply old legacy mainframe programs that have SQL wrappers around them, with a load of INOUT parameters and no result sets. From reading the docs hibernate only supports stored procedures that return result sets. Are there any plans to broaden the support to cope with the above types of procedures ? ...

5. Using Stored Procedure wich return more than one Result Set

I'm using Hibernate 3.1 with DB2. Im trying, without any success, to use a stored procedure (SP), which returns two result sets. With Hibernate, Im able to use a SP which returns one result set without any problem. With JDBC, Im able to use a SP which returns more than one result set and access all the result sets. But Im ...

6. How to get the result of stored procedure ?

Author Message jim060 Post subject: How to get the result of stored procedure ? Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:23 am Newbie Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:57 am Posts: 5 Hi, I try to get a result of my stored procedure. The stored procedure return a cursor. In my hbm file, I map the stored procedure :

7. Stored Proc result sorting

Hi, I have a SP which do not have a parameter to sort the result. (I can not pass the "order by" clause as a IN parameter.) I do not have access to change the SP & even if I change ; it will affect many other applications. So, I want to sort the result set (which is a refcursor) on ...

9. Stored Procedure remap result

I am using Hibernate annotations with a simple Entity. I'm trying to test a stored procedure that brings back a different column name than the one mapped in my entity class. I have both a mapping class and a mapping file for the same entity. I get the exception " The column name portfoli1_0_0_ is not valid" whenever I try to ...