query « Stored Procedure « JPA Q&A

2. Don't understand 18.2.2.Using stored procedures for querying    forum.hibernate.org

I have managed to avoid using stored procedures, until now. I find plenty of questions about this but no useful answer. http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/core/3.6/reference/en-US/html/querysql.html#sp_query raises more questions than it answers. I have to call several Oracle stored procedures that have one OUT parameter and one or more IN parameters. i.e. PROCEDURE IsAnythingAssignedToUser( OUT_READ_PI_VARS OUT SYS_REFCURSOR, IN_READER IN READ_PROCESS_INSTANCE.ASSIGNED_READER%TYPE, IN_WORKFLOW_STATE_ARRAY IN String_Array ); There's ...

3. problem querying with a stored procedure    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, With eclipse 3.0.2, hibernate 3.0, sql server 2000, I am having problems using stored procedure for querying via a named query. Basically it complains about invalid mapping, Attribute "callable" is not declared for element "sql-query". here is the stored procedure create procedure spGetEconActual @revisionID int, @quarterID int as begin select quarterID, revisionID into #temp from CCEconActual where revisionID<= @revisionID and ...

4. stored procedure names query and xdoclet    forum.hibernate.org

5. Stored Procedure for Querying does not work    forum.hibernate.org

I am attempting to call an Oracle function (that returns a SYS_REFCURSOR ) using the Halogen framework. The intent is to have the stored procedure return a collection of Halogen Objects. Although I have exactly the same scenario as mentioned in the Chapter 17 of the Halogen progammer's reference, I am still unable to get get the program executed. Everytime we ...

6. Querying with stored procedure    forum.hibernate.org

7. Can I include stored procedure in Hibernate Query?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, All: I create a stored procedure on Sybase ASE, and I want to call it inside a query like this: select * from tableA a, tableB b where a.id=b.id and (exec storeprocedure) My question is: can I write this query using HQL? If not, can I have this query using SQL? Thanks!

8. Stored procedure queries    forum.hibernate.org

Hi! I am trying to load collection UserCredential.persons via stored procedure call. I have set hbm.xml, sql query and stored procedure which are attached below. Loading of persons Set is done by Code: Set set = userCredential.getPersons(); But after this I am getting the exception "failed to lazily initialize a collection of role" (see below) when trying to access values in ...