mysql « Stored Procedure « JPA Q&A

1. Calling a Stored Procedure in Hibernate

I just started learning hibernate last night and its rather fun. I am some trouble calling a stored procedure as a sql-query with hibernate. I have attached the source and the ...

2. Hibernate call stored procedure

I'm trying to call a stored procedure from mysql db. I'm getting the SEVERE: Can't set IN parameter for return value of stored function call. Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not ...

3. How to call a stored procedure using hibernate?

I am having some problems with hibernate and MySQL. I've been reading but I am getting even more confused, so I imagine you could help me understand what I should do ...

4. Issue calling MYSQL Stored Proc using Hibernate JPA

ORM: Hibernate ORM Mapping: JPA Database: MySQL Issue: MySQLSyntaxErrorException on calling Stored Procedure I am having issue in calling MYSQL Stored Procedure from a Hibernate JPA application. I am calling the procedure as given below: String queryStr = "{Call getEmployee(?)}"; Query queryUser = em.createNativeQuery(queryStr, Employee.class).setHint("org.hibernate.callable","true").setHint("org.hibernate.readOnly","true"); queryUser.setParameter(1, userName); Empolyee empolyee= (Employee) queryUser.getSingleResult(); The Stored Procedure is running fine in MySQL Querybrowser but ...

5. JPA and MySQL Stored Procedure

Hi everyone, In an attempt to learn something new I am try to understand how to call a mysql stored procedure using JPA. I created a simple copyTable mysql stored procedure. The following code does not appear to do anything or work. I was wondering if anyone code spot my problem. I have read and search everywhere but nothing seems to ...

6. call mysql stored procedure from hibernate code.

Hi everyone, I'm new to the hibernate technology. Currently i'm facing the problem while calling the stored procedure from hibernate code. My procedure is in the MySQL database and hibernate version is 3.0. The Exception is as,- 1047 [main] WARN org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Error: 1312, SQLState: 0A000 1047 [main] ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - PROCEDURE smpptwodlrs.getContactRecords can't return a result set in the ...

7. MySQL Stored Procedure

8. MySQL stored procedures and hibernate

Max, Thank you for responding, I almost forgot that I posted this message. Anywho, MySql can return result sets, but I have had troubles finding documentation on the requirements that Hibernate places on the stored procedures. I have to run to class but when I get back I will post some of my code and more specific questions. Thanks alot for ...

9. Calling MySql 5.0 stored procedure

11. Calling a MySql Stored Procedure from Hibernate with Code

Question: How to call a a MySql Stored Procedure from Hibernate? Answer: If your stored procedure is returning a value you can directly use . If not, you need to use jdbc connection to call the native sql procedure.. here is the code snippet... // Insert this in your related hibernate java file.. public void someMethod() throws SQLException{ Session sess = ...

12. MySql Stored Procedure Problome

I have problem with mapping store procedure which has a cursor or loop in it. Result list has always only one element. Do I need something else in my configuration in order to make it work? Database is MySql Let's say we have this simple stored procedure DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS; CREATE PROCEDURE BEGIN DECLARE a date DEFAULT now(); ...

13. MySql Stored Procedure Problome

I have problem with mapping store procedure which has a cursor or loop in it. Result list has always only one element. Do I need something else in my configuration in order to make it work? Database is MySql Let's say we have this simple stored procedure DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS .abc; CREATE PROCEDURE abc() BEGIN DECLARE a date DEFAULT now(); ...