exception « Stored Procedure « JPA Q&A

1. Why this hibernate exception occurs,,,    stackoverflow.com

I'm getting the exception like, "Named Query mySp Not known" The mapping file will be looking like this,

    <sql-query name="mySp">
        <return-scalar column="count1" type="int" ...

2. Exception while calling stored proc from hibernate. URGENT Help    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a stored proc as given following: procedure get_all_users_report( PO_RESULT OUT gt_cursor ) as v_insert varchar(4000); begin INSERT INTO tmp_usersreport(userinfo_id , username, isactive) ( SELECT userinfo_id , username, isactive FROM userinfo WHERE isactive = 1 ); open PO_RESULT for select username from tmp_usersreport; end get_all_users_report;tmp_usersreport tmp_usersreport is a global temp table defined in ORACLE DB. My Hibernate mapping is ...

3. Exception trying to execute a stored proc    forum.hibernate.org

4. Stored Procedures: Hibernate returns NullPointer Exception    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everybody, Anybody please help. I am facing a big problem with return value of Stored Procedures. The procedure ( an Oracle function) returns a cursor. If any of the value within the cursor is having null value, there is a nullpointer exception raised from within Hibernate. I have checked with not-null ="true"/"false" in class. Unfortunately in named query itself, return ...

5. MSQL Stored Procedure Exception    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message Robert27329 Post subject: MSQL Stored Procedure Exception Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:33 pm Newbie Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:48 pm Posts: 1 I have been attempting to get just a small example working calling a stored procedure in MS SQL without success. I have read the 3.1 documentation several times and checkedout the FAQ but ...