1. call stored procedure in hibernate error stackoverflow.comstored procedure (spec only):
2. Error in hibernate while calling stored procedure stackoverflow.comI am calling a stored procedure from hibernate but it is giving me an error.I executed the stored procedure in mysql separately and it gave me the result.This is the error ... |
3. Error when running stored procedure in hibernate coderanch.complease see the following . I have written briefly .i think i am wrong in procedure . but procedure has compiled one. CREATE TABLE PLAYERTABLE ( ID INTEGER, NAME VARCHAR2(80), PLACE VARCHAR2(80), KEY VARCHAR2(40) ) ______________________________________ In java : Session session = factory.openSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); String c = "1000" ; Query query = session.getNamedQuery("selectPlayerMaster_SP") .setString("key", c); List paymentMasterlist = query.list(); ... |
4. Weired error comes while using stored procedure with hibernate coderanch.comHi, I am using hibernate with postgreSQL db. We had a very long query in which more then 10 tables joining conditions were used. so to make the code cleaner it was decided that to move that query into stored procedure and call that stored procedure from hibernate DAO classes. Following is a snippet of our procedure. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ... |
5. Hibernate; error executing stored procedure coderanch.comI an getting a perplexing error. "org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The value is not set for the parameter number 3." My stored procedure has two parameters, not three. The signature of the stored proc is... PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_GEO_US_FIND_POSTAL_CODES] @postalCode nvarchar(50), @radius nvarchar(50) --returns a list from a select My hbm looks like this... |
6. Error when running stored procedure in hibernate3.0 forum.hibernate.org[b]please see the following . After Doing following things i got the Exception: I am using oracl9i. CREATE TABLE PLAYERTABLE ( ID INTEGER, NAME VARCHAR2(80), PLACE VARCHAR2(80), KEY VARCHAR2(40) )[b] [b]Hibernate version:3.0[/b] [b]Mapping documents: In player.hbm.xml |
7. error on calling mysql stored procedure forum.hibernate.orgNewbie Joined: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:33 am Posts: 1 hi, im having some problems calling a mysql sp. im using spring + hibernate. below are my configs: spring config: Code: |
8. error in executing stored procedure in hibernate forum.hibernate.orgCREATE OR REPLACE procedure sampleproc(st_cursor OUT SYS_REFCURSOR, userid number) AS BEGIN OPEN st_cursor FOR SELECT entity_id,user_id FROM entity where user_id=userid; END; / procedure created successfully. In hbm file i have configured this. |
9. Strang error comes while using stored procedure with hibern forum.hibernate.orgHi, I am using hibernate with postgreSQL db. We had a very long query in which more then 10 tables joining conditions were used. so to make the code cleaner it was decided that to move that query into stored procedure and call that stored procedure from hibernate DAO classes. Following is a snippet of our procedure. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ... |
10. Recent error (call working before). MySQL Stored Procedure forum.hibernate.org |