conversation « Session « JPA Q&A

1. What are the benefits of session-per-conversation?

Currently I'm using a session-per-request approach to manage Hibernate sessions in a Java web application. I heard the term session-per-conversation thrown around and was wondering what situations it suits and ...

2. How to use session-per-conversation strategy in Hibernate ?

Hi guys, I am new with the hibernate. I came across the strategy of session-per-request that what i am using in my company. But i want to know session-per-conversation strategy. I have gone through the understanding given in site but it find me difficult to understand specially how to implement it programmetically. Can you guys help me how to implement ...

3. How to implement session-per-conversation in Java SE with Hibernate?

Hello, I have a question about the session-per-conversation strategy. I am building a database application in Java SE with Hibernate, the application is build as a MDI application. The application consists of multiple Internalframes each can be used to get specific data from the database. Now I am trying to implement a reusable session-per-conversation, but I have a little bit difficulty ...

4. long conversation pattern - session.isConnected()

Hi, using Hibernate 3.2 PostgreSQL 8.4 I'm implementing the long conversation pattern (also known as extended or long session pattern) as described here: My application is a JSF webapp. I adapted the example code from the article to fit into a JSF phase listener, which is almost the same like a servlet filter. As far as I understood that pattern, ...

5. what are the benefits of Conversation scoped session

I have read a book on hibernate and reference documentation. But I am not clear in this topic. Assume I am using optimistic locking with read committed Isolation. Say I have a conversation which consists Request1,Request2 and Request3. Request1 : read entity1 Request2 : read entity2 Request3 : update entity1 and entity2. In this scenario, I understand that if some other ...

6. How to use session-per-conversation strategy ?

Hi guys, I am new with the hibernate. I came across the strategy of session-per-request that what i am using in my application. But i want to know session-per-conversation strategy. I have gone through the understanding given in site but it find me difficult to understand specially how to implement it in programme. Can you guys help me how to ...

7. Session-per-Conversation flush frequency

Hi! I am currently trying to implement the Session per Conversation pattern using a "Long Conversation". It's for a webapplication and thus I start the hibernate session after the login and flush and close the session on logout. I do not want the sessions to become too big and also want to notify the user about possible changes that have been ...

8. Session-per-conversation

Sessions and Transactions I want to make sure I understand the session-per-conversation pattern where there is a long running Session (cache) and multiple database transactions. If Session has flush mode set to never and I commit a database transaction is that transactional piece of work written to the database? If so, what is the purpose of ever calling flush if I ...

9. implementation of session-per-conversation

10. Session-per-conversation pattern

Maintaining isolation of business processes becomes the partial responsibility of the application tier, hence we call this process a long running application transaction. A single application transaction usually spans several database transactions. It will be atomic if only one of these database transactions (the last one) stores the updated data, all others simply read data.

11. session-per-conversation?

I took a look at the code proposed here: with respect to implementing session-per-conversation. I think I understand it pretty well, but I don't know about a certain situation. Suppose I have a series of pages that act as a "wizard" to let you edit a CustomerAccount object. On the first page, I load up my CustomerAccount object into the ...

12. session-per-conversation with save-points

I'm currently writing an application with a web front end which has a sequence of pages which populate a domain model, (in a wizard style). After each page has been submitted the populated domain object(s) should be persisted to the database. I'd like to avoid a database hit, when the user submits a page, but has made no changes to the ...

13. Session-per-conversation with HB really the holy grail?

Hi, experts. After reading and testing a little bit the Session-per-conversation-pattern using Hibernate's FlushMode.MANUAL (as described in "JPA with HB") i'm quite disappointed about it. Since nothing is flushed to the database until the final manual flush, its impossible to use queries to find new or changed entites from the current conversation! With the default flush-mode AUTO the Session is flushed ...