context « Session « JPA Q&A

1. HibernateException: No session currently bound to execution context

I'm trying to create a very basic REST-ish web service with Grails and Postgres. I have the read() & delete() methods working, but I can't get create() to work. Hibernate just ...

2. Unable to construct current session context

What does this exception really mean? I see this in a sample deployment but the actual changes I make are persisted to the database. Here is the stack: 14:06:47,852 INFO [STDOUT] 14:06:47,852 ERROR [SessionFactoryImpl] Unable to construct current session context [org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory] java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory.(org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor) at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0( at java.lang.Class.getConstructor( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.buildCurrentSessionContext( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(

3. Session handling in multiple web context

Newbie Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:16 am Posts: 1 Hi, I'm relatively new to Hibernate and have been experimenting with whether I could have web applications from different web context accessing the same database via hibernate. I seem to be having problems with seeing changes which are made via one web app on another web app. I have spent a ...

5. confusion with hibernate current session context

I am building a multi threading utility consisting a BlockingQueue, where tasks are added by multiple threads, and on the other side of the queue tasks are polled by consumer threads and processed. I am using hibernate for the database transactions done by consumer threads. I am confused whether to use 'thread' or 'managed' as the hibernate.current_session_context_class. Please help..

6. SessionFactory in the context scope dies silently

Hi guys, I'm using Hibernate version 3.1.2+c3p0 with MySQL 5.18 nt. I've created a wrapper class to encapsulate a Session Factory in the context scope of a webapp. It all works fine, sessions are produced just as easy, but then, A FEW HOURS later, it all dies silently. I've checked timeouts everywhere. The timeouts of the database are set to ...

8. Meaning of current_session_context_class

In short this how you define Contextual Sessions and manage your session. if you are use thread you will find session is automatically closed after a transaction is committed or rolled backed.If you use JTa you will see that the session is open after a commit or rollback this is because you will have to manage the session. if this helps ...

10. Are SQLQuery actions executed outside context of Session?

I need to add a simple bulk delete to an existing Hibernate-enabled app. If I use SQLQueryImpl.executeUpdate() to do this, I assume that it is completely out of the context of an existing session, and has no effect on an existing session. Is that correct? Assuming auto-commit is on in my DB, I should see the DELETE committed immediately, correct? Thanks, ...

11. current_session_context_class

Hi, When you create a hibernate session using any of the sessionFactory.openSession(...) methods the session factory will 'bind' the session to the current context. The default context is 'thread' which means the sesion factory will bind the session to the thread from which openSession(...) is called. This is useful because you can later call sessionFactory.getCurrentSession() which will return the session that ...

12. Using SessionFactory among context

I don't think you're going to be able to serialize a SessionFactory and pass it across the network. The XA specification deals with distributed transactions. What you really want is to have all the various players take part in a single, common transaction. That's the game you should play. Distributed transactions across a web service are always painful. Let us know ...

13. current_session_context_class settings

I am using Java Web Server 7 and Oracle 10g for my application. I have set hibernate setting current_session_context_class to thread. I was expecting hibernate to open a new session for each http request and close the session at the end of the request. The behaviour I observed is that: 1. Hibernate is using the same session for multiple requests from ...