close « Session « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Session is closed

When I call the method session.begin transaction as follows:

//session factory is instantiated via a bean
Session session = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
Then I get the following exception message
6:13:52,217 ERROR [STDERR] org.hibernate.SessionException: Session is closed!
at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.errorIfClosed(
at ...

2. controll the hibernate session(when to close it manually)

I am new in hibernate,after read the hibernate api and tutorial,it seems that the session should cloesd when not used. Like this:

Session sess=getSession();
Transcration tx=sess.beginTranscration();
//do something using teh session;
I have no question ...

3. Hibernate: "Session is closed" although never closed (manually)

I got a really weird problem here and I absolutely cannot understand why this is happening. The problem looks like this: I got a class called "SmampiAccount" which holds a list of email ...

4. hibernate session: to close or not to close

i've been struggling with this for hours as it is, the test runs ok: public class TesteContratoEntidadeConvencao extends TestCase { Convencao convencao; Entidade entidade; ContratoConvencao contrato; InterfaceDao contratoDao, entidadeDao; Session s; String hql; List lista; int nActual, nFinal; protected void setUp() throws HibernateException { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.configure();//estabelece o dialect new SchemaExport(cfg).create(false, true);//false => no mostra sql s = ...

5. Where to close hibernate session?

Hello, The issue we have is regarding the right place to close the hibernate session. We are using Hibernate 2.1.7. The Person.hbm.xml file contains following code: The corresponding java file contains /** persistent field */ private Set taskPerson; public Set getTaskPerson() { return this.taskPerson; ...

6. closing hibernate Session in BaseRootDAO

Hi, I am new to hibernate and I am using hibernate synchronizer 3.1. The DAO classes generated by hibernate synchronizer closes the session for most of the methods (even if I try to find an object). I am not sure the reason for closing the session. Can anyone please throw light on this? Thanks, pranith [spelling fixed in title - Paul ...

7. recovery from hibernate session closed

Hi, I have some very, very ugly code for a web application. Its going to get re-done, but in the mean while I want to be able to show people what the tool is doing. (This is like a prototype.) Anyway, I wanted to start using Hibernate for this tool. And now that I have gotten a good book on Hibernate ...

8. session.close() in hibernate

If the encapsulating class has been fully initialized, meaning all of its encapsulated classes have been initialized as well, after the Hibernate Session is closed, the JavaBean is like any other JavaBean, and you can access its properties. However, this is known as a detached instance, and as you access the various properties, they are only in sync with the currently ...

9. Session closing even with on_close! (LazyInitialization)

Newbie Joined: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:41 am Posts: 2 Ello guys, I'm getting a LazyInitializationException while trying to access a ManyToMany mapped object as Lazy fetch mode in the View. I tried to implement the OpenSessionInView ( ), with an Interceptor and a Servlet Filter but no one works. Follows JBoss log: Quote: 2010-01-09 09:33:45,593 TRACE [org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractFlushingEventListener] (http- executing ...

10. Session not closing properly?

Hi, I just got hibernate working but I have a problem. It only works for a while then I get the "Cannot open connection". I can only assume that the sessions are not closing and finally it gets too many? I made a simplified example to illustrate. Code: public class HQLGroupByExample { public static ...

11. Session not closing properly?

Hi, I just got hibernate working but I have a problem. It only works for a while then I get the "Cannot open connection". I can only assume that the sessions are not closing and finally it gets too many? I made a simplified example to illustrate. Code: public class HQLGroupByExample { public static ...

12. PROBLEM:Session was already closed

public static void main(String[] args) { SessionFactory session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session sess = session.getCurrentSession(); Transaction trans = sess.beginTransaction(); Employee e1 = new Employee(); e1.setId(new Integer(5)); ...

13. Session is closed!

Hi everyone I'm using hibernate with eclipse helios to extract data from a MySQL database. I have done several querys with the same format, but when I do a specific query Hibernate throws a Hibernate exception and with System.out.println(e.getMessage()); I get this: Session is closed! I have checked before doing the query if the session is open (System.out.println(HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().isOpen());) and it seems ...

14. session not closing in Hibernate3.0

Hello Sirs/friends I have a critical problem and struggling from last 15 days.My Go-live is on head.Please help me. I am susing stuts,Hiberante3.0,SAP application server,Oracle database 9i. In Hibernate 3.0 i am using Session.openSession() method and closing using session.close().When i check in v$session afetr some time session is abbrupty increasing and not releasing.After some time database got hanged. I cant use ...

15. org.hibernate.LazyInitializno session or session was closed

Hi I am getting javax.el.ELException: /configure/basicSetup/groups.jsp @66,107 rendered="#{s:hasPermission('Configure','Edit')}": org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.sec.ezeeAdmin.User.roles, no session or session was closed I am calling the s:hasPermission method in jsp like this-->> inside s:hasPermission method i am using another method like this-->>> @Transient public ...

16. Why do I have to close the SessionFactory?

I am running a quartz job that exports log to a database, but it keeps on running out of memory after some time. I found out after a while that this was caused by SessionFactory not releasing its resources. So by explicitly closing the sessionfactory after each use, the problem goes away. That is ok, but I do not understand why ...

17. disconnecting session gets SQLException: Already closed

Beginner Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2003 5:32 pm Posts: 28 Hi everyone, I got the following exception when my application was trying to close the session: 15:19:14,802 DEBUG SessionImpl:3201 - disconnecting session 15:19:14,838 DEBUG JDBCExceptionReporter:36 - SQL Exception java.sql.SQLException: Already closed. at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnection.close( at net.sf.hibernate.connection.DBCPConnectionProvider.closeConnection( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.closeConnection( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.disconnect( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.close( at com.accucast4.customerdatasource.DbCustomerDataSourceImp.deleteRecipientList( at I might have done something wrong ...

18. SessionFactory.close() and Proxool shutdown

As far as I understood the documentation, the proper way to shutdown Hibernate is to call SessionFactory.close(). This should destroy this SessionFactory and release all resources (caches, connection pools, etc). But it seems that the ProxoolConnectionProvider doesn't shutdown Proxool properly: the connections to the database remain opens and the housekeeper threads keep running. A quick look at the code reveals the ...

19. Shutdown via SessionFactory.close() and HSQLDB

Hello, I am using Hibernate and HSQLDB in Standalone (or In-Process) mode. The HSQL docs state that in order to shutdown the database correctly, all connections must be closed. I have setup Hibernate to use the C3P0 connection pool, which I have configured with a minimum of 1 connection (so that the HSQL DB remains open while the app is running). ...

20. Getting Warning when session close

Hi all I get a warning message every the session is closed. How can I get ride of this message? Version: Hib2.1 DEBUG 2004-02-29 21:42:20,358 [main] ( - SQL Warning java.sql.SQLWarning: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Database changed to dnasql at Source) at Source) at Source) at net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl.closeConnection( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.disconnect( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.close( at Main.main(

21. finalize() and session.close()

I have some doubt about closing session after its use. I don't wanna have to close the session explicity, because I'm using DAO Design Pattern, so I was thinking in something like this: What about to close the session in the finalize() method? Code: protected void finalize() throws Throwable{ try { ...

22. Finally isthere but finalizing unclosed session with closed

Hi, We have this configuration for our webapp. Hibernate 2.1 JBoss 3.2.3 Database - DB2 Datasource is managed by the App Server and Transactions are also managed by app server. From web tier we pass the object graph to a Session bean which then delegates the request of saving to a DAO class which makes use of the Hibernate to do ...

23. Closing Session

I am currently using ThreadLocal to get my Session and having the following error. Code giving the session public static Session currentSession() throws DaoException { Session s = (Session) threadLocal.get(); try { if(s == null) { if (sf == null) { try { loadClasses(); sf = cfg.buildSessionFactory(); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("%%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%%"); e.printStackTrace(); } } s = ...

24. When to close a session...

I have an issue that I can't think of a quick/easy solution for, when to close my session. If I use the ThreadLocal pattern, to close the session, I still have to explicitly call closeSession() correct? How can I close the session when the ThreadLocal dies? If I wrap the session and put close in the finalize, I am at the ...

25. confused with session.close()

Software Environment: WinXP Hibernate2.1.4 jdk1.4.1 eclipse3.0 As we all know, when we use session's close() function, it will run clearup() and disconnect(). But in disconnect(), there exists some codes as follows: if (connect) { connect = false; return null; } My confusion : why not set variable connection null ? I guess for this reason the test codes as follows can ...

26. Looking for best practice how to session.close() in cluster

I would like to ask you for your opinion on best practice how to close sessions when using ThreadLocal pattern in clustered environment. I have two node cluster(jboss). Node1, Node2 each runing Service1: Service1 provide method like: Code: class Service1 { public methodCalledOnCluster() { ...

27. JTATransaction and session.close()

Hello, a question about the usage of JTATransaction along with the usage pattern described in ... exceptions . In my code a transaction spawns across multiple codes execution all implemented using the pattern above, i.e. there are many Session instances involved: 1) start transaction 2) code execution 1 3) code execution 2 4) ... 5) commit transaction Every code execution ...

28. Iterate with close session

29. Session is closing and I don't understand why

Beginner Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 7:39 pm Posts: 37 Location: Charlotte I must be missing something very stupid but I'm making a few session calls and then closing the session at the end. After making the first session call, the session seems to be automatically closing and I don't understand why. Can anybody assist with me with this? Thank you ...

30. Hibernate Problem: Session is Closed!

Hibernate version: Hibernate 2.1 Mapping documents:

31. HibernateContext needs to close session?

Hibernate version: JBoss4.0 I use HibernaetContext.getSession(JNDI) within a stateless session bean in JBoss4 like this: Code: public void callMethod() { Session session = HibernaetContext.getSession(JNDI); try { Transaction tx = session.beginSession(); // do something with session tx.commit(); } catch(HibernaetException e) { ...

32. Closing session.

33. How to close SessionFactory while using C3P0?

I have an application where the user can disconnect and connect to a different database. During "disconnect" I was using the method close() from SessionFactoryImpl to close the SessionFactory. Since I switched to C3P0 I get an exception when calling close() on the SessionFactory as soon as have loaded any object from the database using hibernate. What's wrong? Do I miss ...

34. session closing early

Newbie Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:37 pm Posts: 10 i have followed the model given in the hibernate in action book for using hibernate in an mvc app. as in the dao gets a session and the filter closes the session. however, the session seems to be closing prior to the filter. i have an agent object that containts agents. ...

35. Using SessionSynchronization to close Hibernate Session

Hibernate version: 2.1.2 Name and version of the database using: DB2 8.1 UDB Hi, Thsi question is a bit too long. Please bear with me. I appreciate your inputs. I am currently looking into porting a J2EE application using Session EJB + Entity EJB (2.0) with TopLink to Session EJB + POJO with Hibernate. With Hibernate, I will have to explicitly ...

36. movement of source, [...]ception: Session is closed

Wow. I'm REALLY gonna go out on a limb here and venture a guess... but I think your session is closed! Usually Hibernate's exceptions are telling you exactly what the problem is (though sometimes I don't speak the same version of english the Hibernate authors do!). My guess is that you don't have an open session. How are you aquiring the ...

37. where to close the session in a three tier app ?

hello , it is a doubt about three tier app with hibernate . Inside tha data layer i have created a HibernateSessionFactory class that uses a thread local pattern for creating session and transactions ( adopted from hibernate in action ) also i have a UserDAO class in data layer . inside the constructor started the transaction .. as this is ...

38. When to close the session

Hi, A session closing problem. I'm using Hibernate 2.1.8.Here is the scenario. class ABC{ public void saveOrder(Order o){ try { Session hsession = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); Transaction tx = hsession.beginTransaction(); try { hsession.saveOrUpdate(order); //create default workcard. ClassB b = new ClassB(); WorkCard wc = b.createWorkCard(order); tx.commit(); hsession.flush(); hsession.close(); } catch (Exception e) { tx.rollback(); hsession.close(); throw new ServiceTierException("error : "+e.getMessage(), e); } } ...

39. auto_close_session not available via JMX. Workaround?

auto_close_session doesn't appear to be settable via the HAR JMX bean, so if you are using the HAR deployment, how do you set that? The Wiki never addresses how you set properties that are not part of the ones' that are accessed via the JMX console. Is that because the one's that are available are the only ones that are deemed ...

40. beginTransaction: Session is closed

Regular Joined: Sun May 08, 2005 2:48 am Posts: 118 Location: United Kingdom Using: Tomcat 5.5.9 + Hibernate 3.0.2 + JDBCTransaction I am using session-per-request pattern. I am using a reference counting version of HibernateSession Singleton (I believe this is what STRUTS uses, but I am not using STRUTS). This means I can call HibernateSession.currentSession() and HibernateSession.closeSession() in pairs around my ...

41. [Hibernate Synchronizer] Closing session

42. Session Closing - Urgent

dennisbyrne wrote: open session, begin transaction, update-update-update, commit transaction, close session . do not close the session after each update. Is this safe for like millions of records ? open session, begin transaction, get-get-get, update, get-get-get, update, get-get-get, commit transaction, close session I'm pretty sure I had to use evict and flush to make my job run sucessfully. The job scans ...

43. Hibernate incorrectly retaining closed session info

org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - the owning Session was closed Using: Hibernate 3.1Beta JDK: 1.5.0_04 I have a situation where I believe Hibernate is incorrectly retaining infomation for a closed session on objects loaded from new session instances. I have a replication requirement whereby I have a "master" session, and several "slave" session configurations. At regular intervals, a scheduled task ...

44. Hibernate Session closed

Hi, We deployed a sample application in JBOSS to insert data & get data from the database. There are to methods insert and get In each method we are opening a session using HibernateUtil.currentSession() and closing as session.close() and HibernateUtil.closeSession() First time executing fine, but when I execute the application in another browser ( that means two clients), I am getting ...

45. ActionServlet and close session in hibernate

You could have found an answer by looking in the FAQ, in the manual or searching as this is a common problem. Hibernate does not automatically intializes all related collections. If it would your complete database could be loaded in some cases as a collection can have a relation to a relation to a relation ..... Read in the reference chapter ...

46. Session is closed

What are the possibilities of getting following error. Also is it mandatory to include hsqldb.jar in classpath and LIB folder of WEB Application ? ------------------------------------------------ 6/02/07 18:22:49 CustomerEditAction...............prepareEdit()......START et.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Session is closed at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.connection( at net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction.begin( at net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory.beginTransaction(JDBCTransactionFactor .java:19) at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.beginTransaction( at at de.laliluna.library.struts.action.CustomerEditAction.prepareEdit( ) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction.dispatchMethod( at org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction.execute( at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform( ...

47. Session is closed

Hello i have some doubts about if i m using correctly hibernate. I have created the typical HiibernateUtil for managing the Session. My problem resides that im using AOP for controlling transactions, so before calling the method, first i get the session from ThreadLocal of HibernateUtil and i start the transaction, after all operations inside this transaction has been executed, i ...

48. closed sessions

Hibernate version: 3.1 Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: ERROR LazyInitializationException:19 - could not initialize proxy - the owning Session was closed org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - the owning Session was closed at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize( at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.getImplementation( at org.hibernate.proxy.CGLIBLazyInitializer.intercept( at jrc.utdanningspartner.docsys.persistent.Client$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$404b8a94.getClientName() at jrc.utdanningspartner.docsys.testfiles.TryMeNow.main( Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - the owning Session was closed at ...

49. Explanation of Statistics re sessions opened/closed and Txs

We have enabled Hibernate Statistics in our webapplication and are looking for an explanation of the relationship between Sessions opened, closed, and the number of transactions. Our app uses Session Beans with CMT, and all Hibernate activity occurs in DAOs used by the Session Beans. We have some architecture factory code that developers use to create and decorate their instances of ...

50. when do I explicitly close a session.

ah, ok, understood. Christian, can you also help me with this problem? I have a class called key which has a reference to two other classes user and keytag, which I have implemented by many-to-one, like so... [b] [/b] yet when I exectue the code below, I get this exception [i][WARN] IllegalArgumentException in class: ...

51. HibernateFilter and Session.close

Hi, I use the famous pattern to use Hibernate in Struts app. To simplify this pattern, it's like this: Code: public static final ThreadLocal sessionThread = new ThreadLocal(); public static Session currentSession() throws HibernateException { Session session = (Session) sessionThread.get(); // Open a new Session, ...


Newbie Joined: Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:25 am Posts: 9 When I commit the transaction, I get the error below: Code: Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.SessionException: Session was already closed at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.close( at business.commands.LockParagraph.ejecutar( at business.commands.Invoker.ejecutar( at business.Services.lockParagraph( at business.TranformerInputOutput.lockParagraph( at business.TranformerInputOutput.main( The ...

53. session was already closed

54. How to close a session correctly?

Dear friends: Now I only make this sentences at the end of my request: session.flush(); session.close(); All my sequence is: Session s = sessions.openSession(); s.load( class, id ); // or whatever hibernate action s.flush(); s.close(); But I still have a lot of problems with lost connections and Broken Pipe errors. I use c3p0 pool connection, and Mysql database. There is no ...

55. when session should be closed?

56. BeanCreationException - no session or session was closed

Hey, i just trying to build a little hibernate test... it works nearly fine but: Code: Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'katTest' defined in class path resource [applicationContext.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: kat.beans.Kategorie.kategories, no session or session was closed Caused by: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed ...

57. session.close() question

58. Best way to locate places to put session.close() in code?

All, I am the unfortunate heir to some legacy code which uses Hibernate. It is a fairly complex, multi-threaded SWT app. which does a ton of database access. Fairly often, the console output will show a warning from org.hibernate.jdbd.ConnectionManager - "unclosed connection, forgot to call close() on your session?" I realize that this is baaaaaad news, and I'd expect that enough ...

59. How to best to detect opened and never closed sessions?

All, Am attempting to detect cases where I have Hibernate session objects which have been opened and not closed. I wrote the following method: public static String getOpenSessionsMsgString(Session sess) { Statistics stats = sess.getSessionFactory().getStatistics(); long num_sessions = stats.getSessionOpenCount(); if (num_sessions > 0) { return "Open sessions after close: " + num_sessions; } else { return null; } } which I am ...

60. warning while closing session

61. Session is closed!

Newbie Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:25 am Posts: 2 Hi Guys, Hope you can help me out with this. I've recently switched to Hibernate and this problem keeps cropping up. Here's the problem code: (slightly paraphrased Code: QuestionManager qm = new QuestionManager(); LearningNodeManager lnm = new LearningNodeManager(); LearningNode ln = null; Question q1 = null; ln = lnm.getNode(1); //gets node ...

62. Session is Closed

64. why closing session

I've a stand alone application that uses hibernate. At the moment, when the application starts, it opens a session, which is closed when the application ends. However, I suppose that opening and clossing sessions is better. But Why? Which is the advantatge of open/close strategy? Is because the database will work faster? Thanks!

65. Using SessionFactory.close() method, Any Recomendations?

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.0 I am using Hibernate 3.0 along with Oracle my applicaiton is deployed on the JBoss 4.2.2 server. The problem over here is that at the Oracle end, the database is bounced daily for backup activity. this results in all the connections gettign closed. Every morning when i ...

66. When to close my session factory?

Thanks for your reply. From what I observe, building/configuring a SessionFactory is expensive (so I do this only once). Calling sessionFactory.close(), however, does not seem to result in all that work being done again. For example, I can still call openSession() on my closed factory and do not notice a slower response of my GUI. So what does close() actually do? ...

67. SessionFactory.close()- with ConnectionPooling

68. Session is closed! Cannot reopen.

I'm new to Hibernate and trying to figure things out. I've done a lot of searching, but haven't been able to find any adequate answers to help me. So any assistance would be great. Getting: Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.SessionException: Session is closed! When trying the createAccount() method, it uses an isValidated() method which checks to see if an email already ...