result « Search « JPA Q&A

1. Java + JPA: Search User in Database By first and last name return too many results. Is there a better way?

Right now my implementation is like this, so if the user type is Peter Smith, then I would a split on the query string like this:

String[] name = searchQuery.split(" "); //searchQuery ...

2. Using Hibernate Search to Rate Result

Is it possible for hibernate search to sort result according to best match after it has search result from the database

3. How to group search results in hibernate search?

I get a different results by searching from different entities. How can I group them? Some entities have generic and I want to show them respectively. How can I do that? Thanks

4. Merging Hibernate Search results with relational database query

I have a complex query that requires a full-text search on some fields and basic restrictions on other fields. Hibernate Search documentation strongly advises against adding database query restrictions ...

5. get result count in hibernate search with lucene

hi, See the below code: Criteria criteria = fSession.createCriteria(c) .add(Restrictions.eq("sentiment", new Long(-12))); fullTextQuery = fullextSession.createFullTextQuery(lucenceQuery, myclass.class).setCriteriaQuery(criteria); fullTextQuery.list(); - Here i am geting expected results But if use fullTextQuery.getResultSize(); - Here i am getting wong results.It's give total records which is before applying criteria query. another thing is,if i call fullTextQuery.list() , SQL query is printing in console.But if call fullTextQuery.getResultSize() is ...

6. hibernate search results details

Hi everybody, So I have successfully managed to integrate Hibernate Search in my application and everything works as expected. I just have a simple question ... Hibernate Search will search for the given text only in the selected fields. As a result I get a list of Objects. Is there a way to know in which field of the object the ...

7. How can i print the search result

8. searching for libraries that sorts results

Hi, I am wondering if there is some kind of library based on hibernate or not, that would return for a search : - results that corresponds to the criterias - plus results that do not exactly correspond to the criterias ordered by relevance For instance if you have 5 criterias : I would like to get the results that have ...

9. combining search results

@Entity @Table(name = "IMAGES") public class Image{ private Set keywords; private String name; public String getName() { return name; } @OneToMany public Set getKeywords() { return keywords; } public void setKeywords(Set ...

10. search results using criteria

11. Duplicate results appearing in Hibernate Search query

Hello, I'm a bit new to Hibernate and Hibernate Search, and I'm having a problem getting my full text search to work across fields in the database. My table looks like this: Code: create table Entry ( entry_id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, category_id smallint unsigned not null, entry_title varchar(300) not null, entry_question ...