query « Search « JPA Q&A

1. Query in Lucene    stackoverflow.com

The structure of the table "testtable" is

  1. id int primary key
  2. productid int
  3. attributeid int
  4. value varchar(250)
where productid is the unique id of a product, attributeid is the unique id of attribute of a product ...

2. Hibernate search problem. Not tokenized query    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Hibernate Search. The problem is that, when I perform a search this string: "l" I haven't results... If I try with this... "l*" result is: "Lampada bla bla" "Lampione bla bla bla" "Lost" This is my pojo

@Id ...

3. Search query formation    stackoverflow.com

Hi I am using hibernate for my project . I need to form a query , its for search user purpose. in my user table i have logind,firstname,lastname,roleid,email etc. The user ...

4. Why is my Hibernate Search query not working?    coderanch.com

My working search does not working on associated objects. I'm trying to find a business in a given city (ex. "Pizza Hut" in "Florida). I have 3 tables BUSINESS, ADDRESS and BUSINESS_ADDRESS, where Business_Address is the intermediate table. The primary key in the BUSINESS_ADDRESS table is "Business_Address_Id" and "business_Id" and "address_Id" are foreign keys. Can you tell me what I'm doing ...

6. How to build queries with Hibernate Search?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I ve set up my project to use hibernate-search. I have constructed the queries manually. That is, I collect hte user's input and build a String. i.e. "columnA:[A TO B]" and then I give it to lucene's QueryParser. I have many problems with that because the queries do not all have the expected result. For example doing a range query ...

7. Search or Query Service using hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All, I am trying to design a query service for my system. Let me give you a background for my problem. I have a centralized data base which manages identity information (Identity management) for the users (customers). This centralized data is used by many products of my company to create and read information. Most of the products use this data ...

8. Hibernate Search query    forum.hibernate.org

I should not use crateQuery directly. I should be informed somehow Hibernate Search that I need to find some records and Hibernate Search itself creates inquiries to base and returns to me the found records how it to do? We have a large Data Base with which work via simple Hibernate. Whether there is sense to use Hibernate Search? What advantages ...

9. search : why don't use real criteria query ?    forum.hibernate.org

hibernate search work well, but one thing bother me : the setCriteria on the fulltextQuery. actually it permit only to change fetch mode. I'm ok , it's not the best thing to do in the performance point of view, but it may be very usefull ! I'm disapoint that this is not implemented. I was thinking it was, because, if any ...

10. Complicated search query with many-to-many and tree    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:00 pm Posts: 1 Hi All, I am writing a web app to generate lists of people in our organization (University) to use for mailing. I have quite complex requirements for the search part of the app, so I am looking for advice or hints in the ways this is implementable, by people who have ...