function « Search « JPA Q&A

1. Search for a property in Hibernate after aplying a function

In my db I store telephone numbers of things as input by the user (I want to let user decide how he format their phone number) when users search for a phone ...

2. How to do a simple "search"-function with wildcard

Hi everybody, till now I have gained a lot of experience using hibernate. Nevertheless I'm struggling with a very simple problem: how can I do a simple search-function with hibernate? I have a couple of "text-components" and I want to create a jsp-page on which the can enter something like "search: 123* " but how can I do this? Till now ...

3. How to do a simple "search"-function with wildcard

Hi everybody, till now I have gained a lot of experience using hibernate. Nevertheless I'm struggling with a very simple problem: how can I realize a very simple and 'tolerant' search-function with hibernate? I have a couple of "text-components" and I want to create a jsp-page on which the can enter something like "search: 123* " but how can I do ...

4. Search functionality criteria API

5. need help on search hql query with lower() function

pl help for the foollowing query it throws exception _____________________ query _______ String HQL="from HelpdeskArticles n where lower(n.title) like :searchText or lower(n.description) like :searchText and newsList=session.createQuery(HQL).setParameter("searchText","%"+searchFilter.getSearchText().toLowerCase()+"%"). _____________________________ exception ________ org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query No authorized routine named "UPPER" of type "FUNCTION" having compatible arguments was found. The DB column data type for description is CLOB , can't we apply ...