field « Search « JPA Q&A

1. Search result was due to field in Hibernate Search

I have a Hibernate search that searches from many a field of an object. Is it possible to know which of the fields matched the results for each result object?

2. multiple search fields

What will be the best approach if I have search fields for 20 or more and any combination should be valid. Is there any special way to do it in openJPA ...

3. hibernate search multiple fields based on language

I'm interested in changing db full text search to lucene. I'm using hibernate so I guess it would be smart to use hibernate search. I have a problem though. Our record has ...

4. Hibernate Search in Action - application of 'Fieldable' lazy field

So I have a trade order execution system where the stock order once executed and confirmed, the complete order.xml is stored in an Oracle DB as a BLOB field. Now I have 2 fields which I need to index and search on: 1. The OrderId numeric field and the BLOB order.xml field. Does Hibernate Search custom field bridge and a Lucene ...

5. Help with a HQL search of collection item field

Hi, I have a parent object POF with a collection lineItems. I am attempting to issue a 1 query search that returns all POF objects where a line item's description has a likeness to a string. The following fails with The column prefix 'li' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. I know why ...

6. Multi Field Search.

Hibernate version: 2.1.7 Mapping documents: