glassfish « Seam « JPA Q&A

1. How easy is it to set up JBoss Seam to run on GlassFish with JPA instead of Hibernate?

Question pretty much says it all - I'm interested to find out about how to set up JBoss Seam on a GlassFish (v3 prelude) application server rather than JBoss. Also, I ...

2. CNFE for org.hibernate.EmptyInterceptor when using Glassfish

Glassfish doesn't bundle Hibernate (EclipseLink is bundled instead). While I could switch to Hibernate (making configuration a bit more complicated) or switch over to JBoss AS (no real big deal but I'm now more familiar with Glassfish and a switch would just slow me down) it would be nice if Security worked out-of-the-box in a standard CDI/J2EE environment. Isn't JPA all ...

3. Seam without Hibernate?

Issue #1: I can't figure out how to convince Seam to use Toplink. I follow the configuration that is described in their docs, and it keeps complaining about a missing class org/hibernate/Session. There are dozens of blog articles that tell me how to run Seam with Hibernate, but stubborn me wants to stick with what's already in GlassFish. How do you ...