entity « Seam « JPA Q&A

1. How can I force a reload of an entity?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using a ajax4jsf poller <a4j:poll> to check whether an entity has been updated in the database by another process. I want to reload the entity each time. How can I force ...

2. Jpa, Seam updating entity    stackoverflow.com

I've got a Stateful Session bean where I create a object (in this case a user object) and saving it in my db. Now I just want so update this entry ...

3. Why do my Entities become unmanaged after two calls?    stackoverflow.com

In a seam-gen generated application, I have a user entity which is check during authentication. I lookup in the authenticator whether the entity is available, if yes I load the Entity ...

4. Hibernate/JPA/Seam - Validate an Entity Programmatically?    stackoverflow.com

I have an entity in my JBoss Seam-based project that makes use of Hibernate Validator annotations throughout. Although I've got directives in my JSF pages to require elements, etc. I'd ...

5. Hibernate Entity Loader with ComponentTest    seamframework.org

6. Need Help on JPA,Seam mutiple entity persistance    seamframework.org

As per my analysis , jpa is performing jdbc batch update, here it's trying to persist branches (which are linked to course) , but course is still not updated in db so it's not able to sync with db in the middle of transaction. Is there any way to split control this batch update.

9. Seam Hibernate create entities    seamframework.org

Thanks Herberson. That was helpful. I also added a request entity. Goal here is, I am creating a form that allows users to create a request with following properties. Form has 3 fields, lob,application, cta and notes. Employee will be chosen from session and date would be todays date. How can I hibernate select today's date?

10. Problems with seam entity    forum.hibernate.org

My work environment is: eclipse: eclipse-jee-galileo-sr1 Application Server: jboss-5.1.0.GA Seam: jboss-seam-2.2.0.GA DB Server: mysql-5.1.44 OS: windows 7 I have created a seam project by selected File->New->Seam Web Project Then I wanted to test whether this project can work properly. I create a seam entity named "User",just like here Code: package org.domain.bookstore.entity; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.Version; ...