nhibernate « Schema « JPA Q&A

1. NHibernate "database" schema confusion [.\hibernate-mapping\@schema]    stackoverflow.com

I'm using NHibernate primarily against an MSSQL database, where I've used MSSQL schemas for the various tables. In my NH mapping (HBM) files, I've specified the schema for each table in the ...

2. What does hibernate.default_schema mean?    stackoverflow.com

I was reading a blog-post of Ben Scheirman http://flux88.com/blog/blame-nhibernate-why-not/ about some NHibernate tweaks he made in order to increase the performance. In the end of article there is Lesson #7: ...

3. SchemaUpdate is not updating the schema of the database    stackoverflow.com

The problem I have is that the code below runs but it no longer updates the schema in the database for some reason. Everything else works, I can load and save ...