map « Schema « JPA Q&A

2. Runtime mapping and schema generation

Hi there, I am currently using JSR-57 long-term persistence for JavaBeans to store my object model, and I would like to switch to Hibernate. Can the mapping file and schema generation tools both be used programmatically at runtime in Hibernate? The manual says the mapping file generation tool uses reflection to find properties on JavaBeans. Does the mapping file generation tool ...

3. Schemaexport with hashmap mapping

Hi: I am tryingto use SchemaExport and trying to map a Hashmap. I have 2 classes : TestParent and TestChildren. TestParent contains a hashmap of children with date_id as the key(one to many mapping). My mapping files and java classes: public class TestParent implements Serializable { /** identifier field */ private int parentId; private Map children; public TestParent() { } public ...

4. List mapping with "use-in-tostring", schemaexport

I'm trying to get the codegen tool to include the recipientList member in the toString() method. My mapping looks like this true Codegen works OK and creates the toString() method correctly but Schemaexport fails with: [schemaexport] BUILD FAILED: file:C:/Projects/.../build.xml:45: Schema text failed: net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: invalid mapping If ...

5. Data Mart - star schema mapping

Hello - I am trying to find information on how hibernate can work with OLAP/ data mart data. Has anyone had experience doing hibernate mapping with a star schema? We basically need to do many fast reads/queries and want to move data from a data mart into cache. The data is comprised of many historical versions of name and contact records ...

6. Mapping two tables that have same database schema

I am working with a legacy system and am trying to avoid changing the database schema. This system has two database tables, SurveyChoices and ChoiceGroupItems, which have the same basic schema, except that SurveyChoices contains a foreign key which references a table named SurveyQuestions, while ChoiceGroupItems contains a foreign key which references a table named ChoiceGroup. I can make this work ...