drop « Schema « JPA Q&A

2. Missing option to skip the drop/alter output in SchemaExport    forum.hibernate.org

A request for enhancement: I think it would be very nice if the SchemaExport tool had an option not to generate the initial "alter" and "drop" statements. This way we could initialize a fresh new database by simply feeding it the generated script. (Currently, I am getting SQL errors because the tables do not exist yet, so I have to post-process ...

3. SchemaExport always generate DROP TABLE ???    forum.hibernate.org

4. SchemaExport, HSQLDB, and dropping non-existent constraints    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I am using Hibernate 2.1 with HSQLDB. I have used XDoclet to create Hibernate Mapping Files. Now I am using the SchemaExport tool to generate a SQL script from those Mapping Files which will create a new database and will be executed by the HSQLDB ScriptTool. However, the ScriptTool throws a SQLException when executing the first ALTER TABLE because of ...

5. SchemaExport always drop the tables.    forum.hibernate.org

6. Drop an existing schema and create a new one dynamically    forum.hibernate.org

I want to drop an existing schema (if it exist) in a MySQL database and create a new one ready for insertion. The need is for setting up a "bacth" creation of several databases.. How can I do this in Hibernate, I have read about the SchemaExport option. But this requires me to save the generated sql to a file and ...

7. Check for existing schema? Create but don't drop?    forum.hibernate.org

I am using the SchemaExport to create my schema at runtime. Is it possible to create a schema without dropping the existing schema? It seems as if the schemas match, then it will not drop the existing schema. But just now, when my schemas did not match, it seems to have dropped the existing schema and recreated a new one. I ...