GlassFish « Schema « JPA Q&A

2. Can JPA cope with a dynamic schema?

Not sure why you would want to dynamically create tables etc - any DBA would cringe at the thought. But dynamically adding classes will wreak havoc on your JVM scallablility - potentially each row could require its own class to be loaded as well as the data from the database. That, and accessing anything different on these 'dynamic' classes will require ...

3. JPA and unknown db-schema

Using TopLink's native metadata structures you can define Entity mappings in a SessionCustomizer before the EntityManager is first used. If you can limit access to the EntityManagers you could even alter the metadata structures on the fly by gaining access to the underlying Session object from the EntityManagerFactory logging out the Session, updating the mappings and then logging the Session back ...

4. Table schema updates in JPA

DB Maintenance on that level is really a bit out of scope for the JPA. It's simply too high level, and very DB specific. Plus it doesn't account for any other possible side affects that may need to occur when converting from one schema to another. For example, perhaps a single table in the old version was normalized in to multiple ...

5. Unable to find suitable MySQL driver class for Hibernate schema update

I have a Spring/Hibernate application which I am in the process of converting into a RESTful web services application using Jersey and which I am attempting to deploy on Glassfish. When I deploy the web application I am seeing an error in the server.log which tells me that the database metadata can't be fetched because no suitable driver class can be ...