data « SQL « JPA Q&A

1. archiving strategies and limitations of data in a table

Environment: Jboss, Mysql, JPA, Hibernate Our web application will be catering to a large amount of users (~ 1,000,000) and there are a lots of child table where user specific data are ...

2. Returning extra data from HQL

I'm writing an HQL query, in the form of:

from a where ... or exists (from b inner join b.c where ...) and ...
I get back an entity of type a from ...

3. Using import.sql and pre-populating data

Hello, I've searched around but haven't found the answer to my question. We currently have an import.sql file we use in our project (src\main\resources) and our system is dependent on this import script being executed. We've been using the property but after some reading it seems this is a bad idea in production (we are getting ready to deploy.) If ...

4. Can hibernate dump database data to text file as SQL script

I know how to do this in XML / CSV using dbunit, for instance, but can hibernate / hibernatetool dump the raw data as a series of executable SQL commands . In postgres, for example, we can use the pgdump command to achieve this, .. but can the same be achieved using hibernate? Thanks

6. Data storage in Microsoft SQL 2000

7. How to see generated SQL with the actual data

Newbie Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:09 am Posts: 12 question & rant OK, I know this has been asked before, I have seen it posted, but I have not found a solution after looking long and hard. I want to see the actual SQL that hibernate generates along with the data in a log file or be able to dump ...

8. How to use "import.sql" to automatically dump data

Hibernate 2.1.8 I use ".hbm.xml" files to automatically create tables. Now , i want to dump some pre-data into these tables after being created . Someone told me to use "import.sql" , how to achieve my goal with this file? Anyone explain it detailly for me ?? I am a newbie here .... -_-!