Informix « SQL « JPA Q&A

1. Trying to use Informix : (colon) notation in native SQL

Hi I'm building a system with hibernate and an existing database in Informix. Informix sql syntax supports the notation : for selecting from tables in another database than the one currently connected to. Since hibernate uses the : character to prefix named parameters the colon doesn't get passed to the database. Any ideas how to solve this ? I'm new to ...

2. Informix dialact produces wrong SQL "catalog"

Hibernate version:3.1.2 Mapping documents: .......... Name and version of the database you are using: Informix Dynamic Server 9.40.FC6 IBM Informix JDBC Driver for IBM Informix Dynamic Server 3.00.JC1 /b] [b]The generated SQL (show_sql=true): select ...

4. sql syntax error with Informix

select first 26 electeurca0_.robid as robid0_, electeurca0_.version as version0_, electeurca0_.nome as nome0_, electeurca0_.nomp as nomp0_ from ...