Convert « SQL « JPA Q&A

1. Converting SQL to HQL

I'm trying to convert the below SQL query to HQL and am having a few issues. A straight line by line conversion doesn't work, I am wondering if I should be ...

2. Convert SQL to HQL?

how can I convert the following SQL query into HQL?

SELECT  count(sa.AID)
     FROM   A  sa 
  , B sal,C  m 

3. regarding converting sql to hql

how to select column's value as null in hql? ex: In sql

 select null as empname from emp; in sql

   In hql   
ex: select emp.empname as col1 from ...

4. How to convert nested SQL to HQL

I am new to the Hibernate and HQL. I want to write an update query in HQL, whose SQL equivalent is as follows:

update patient set 

5. How do I convert SQL to HQL?

Is it possible to convert the below sql statement to hql? Hql is required because I need to use an iterator to iterate over the rows to get their columns and ...

6. Convert SQL to HQL

7. convert HQL to sql

8. Need help in converting sql to hql

Hi All, i have been trying to convert this query into hql but failed. i could not find any help on Can somebody help me out converting this query? select i1.items join plan p join items i1 on i1.item_id = p.plan_id join items i2 on i2.grade = i1.grade and i2.vendor = i1.vendor group by i1.vendor, i1.grade, i1.item_id Thanks in advance ...

11. problem in converting sql to hql

I am assuming your Policy entity named as Policy. List entityList = session.createQuery("load_latest_policy","select po from Policy po where po.policyCode=:policyCode order by po.policyNumber desc").setString("policyCode",value).list(); Above statement gives you records having same policy code. now, Calendar instance = Calendar.getInstance(); instance.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); Date yesterday = instance.getTime(); for(Policy entity : entityList ) { entity.setExpiryDate(yesterday); session.saveOrUpdate(entity); session.refresh(entity); break; }

12. How convert this native sql to hql?

String[] results = null; Query q = session.createQuery("select count(, a.createdate from MyClass a group by a.createdate"); List list = q.list(); results = new String[list.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ...

13. I need help converting this sql

I need help converting this SQL (which works): select c.last_name, c.first_name, np.first_name FullFirst from c left join np on np.preferred_name_id = c.contact_id where c.preferred_name_id is null order by c.last_name ; to HQL. Contact is the hibernate object. I tried this: select c, npc from Contact c, Contact npc where = c but that runs out of memory. the ...

14. Unable to convert from SQL to HQL

it is an aobject on the entry table, which is a entry itself so i don't think hibernate will be able to determine the correct entry. I tried to use a sub query but this not allowed in mysql so was hopeing there is some sort of join or someting any help appreciated thanks

15. Convert sql to HQL

Can somebody help me to convert the following sql top HQL. Both of them are the same the on is just written with a join. Prefernce in solving the example with a join in HQL Any help given will be gratly appreciated select * from entry e, entry t where = and e.isgroup ='true'; select * from entry e ...

16. I need help converting a SQL statement to HQL

case is not supported by HQL. You'll have to use SQL for this query. It is generally recommended that you don't even try to use HQL/Criteria for report-type queries, or indeed for most queries that don't map to objects. Hibernate is not intended as a replacement for JDBC, it's more an enhancement to JDBC: don't be afraid to abandon HQL when ...

17. How do I programatically convert HQL to SQL?

QueryTranslatorFactory ast = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory(); SessionFactoryImplementor factory = (SessionFactoryImplementor)getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory(); QueryTranslator newQueryTranslator = ast.createQueryTranslator( hql, hql, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, factory ); newQueryTranslator.compile( replacements, false ); String sql = newQueryTranslator.getSQLString();

18. Converting SQL to HQL

19. Is it possible to convert native SQL into HQL?

There are situations when we have complex SQL queries and we wish that it is possible to convert sql into hql using some tool or Hibernate API. That can be time saving and efficient way for those who are relatively new to HQL/Hibernate. 1) Is there any tool that converts raw SQL into HQL? 2) Is there any Hibenate API using ...

20. Converting SQL to HQL

Hi, I'm banging my head against the wall trying to convert this SQL to HQL; select faculty.* from faculty, presenters where presenters.event_id = SOME_ID and presenters.presenter_id = I know it's simple but I'm not getting it right. I just need to the Faculty object back based on the match from the event_id. Presenters is the mapping table between Faculty and ...

21. converting this sql into hql

Hi all, Does anybody know how to convert following sql into hql SELECT thread_id , subject , id FROM ( SELECT thread_id , subject , id , ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY thread_id ORDER BY id ) AS thread_id_Row_Number FROM TEST_SHRINK ) WHERE thread_id_Row_Number = 1 ; Here is my table: CREATE TABLE TEST_SHRINK ( thread_id NUMBER , subject VARCHAR2 ...

22. Convert Sql To HQL

23. Converting hql to sql

Hi all, i've a problem regarding knowing the recordcount of a select: i would know the count of records performing a "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (hqlquery) ), but when i surround a hql query by a select count(*) , hibernate fires an error ("unexpeted token....). So my idea is to convert first the hql query definition into the corresponding sql definition /*BEFORE*/ ...

24. Converting Sql to Hql

Hi , Could you please give me the Hql to the below Sql. Iam not able to Convert my Sql Code to Hql according to my Requirement. First Please tell me that can we convert any given sql to hql ?Is it possible?. Iam facing some issues with the below Sql Query not able to convert to HQL. Here is the ...

25. help converting sql to HQL

26. Converting SQL to HQL

i need to translate an SQL query into a hibernate query, but i'm not sure how to deal with the associated set. a character can have other characters as buddies (stored in the "buddylist" table). i want to retrieve all highscores from buddies of a character. i can do this via SQL, but how do i do it using HQL? the ...

27. Convert HQL to SQL

Hi all, I have a HQL which joins 2 tables Table A and Table B. Each have a column say id I need the results of (A minus B ) something of the following sort select from A where = and not in (select id from B). I am using HQL for this. But the result is coming ...